Spanish Artists from the Fourth to the Twentieth Century: A Critical Dictionary

Terrencs, Pere (or Pedro)

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Alternate Terren, Pedro
Alternate Terrenc, Pedro
Alternate Terrenchs, Pere (or Pedro)
Alternate Terrenes, Pedro
Alternate Torrencs, P.
L.C. NameTerrencs, Pere, active 15th century-16th century
Region(s)Balearic Islands
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CreatedFMA |D 1993 01 07 |T 16:45:29
CreatedFMA |D 1993 01 07 |T 16:45:29
Bibliographic Sources
Azcárate [y Ristori], 1990, p.371 (Pedro Terrenc, indexed as Pedro Terren [sic], the same as Maestro de [Master of] San Francisco [no dates given]). source
Camón Aznar, 1966, p.601 (Pedro Terrenes [sic], op.1488). source
Gudiol Ricart, Pintura gótica, 1955, p.296 (Pedro Terrencs, or P. Torrencs [sic], identified as Maestro de [Master of] San Francisco, op.1488). source
Llompart, 1987, pp.35, 37 (doc.1479-1512). source
Llompart, 1991, pp.13, 15. source
Llompart, v.1, 1977, p.93 (Pere Terrenchs). source
Palma de Mallorca, Museo de Mallorca [cat.], 1976, p.39 (Pere Terrenchs [no dates given]). source
Pérez Sánchez, Arte, 1985, p.221 (Pere Terrenchs, doc.1479-1483). source
Post, v.12, 1958, p.457 (Pedro Terrenchs, op.a.1500?); v.7, 1938, p.654 (Pedro Terrenchs [no dates given]). source
Saragossa, Museo e Instituto de Humanidades Camón Aznar [exh.], 1980, p.142 (Pere Terrenchs, second half of 15th cent.). source