Tobin, Robert L. B.
type Collector
dates 1934-2000
city San Antonio
sex M
history Texas art collector and patron.

The Tobin Collection of Theatre Arts held at the Tobin Surveys in downtown San Antonio and the recently completed Tobin Wing vault in the Marion Koogler McNay Art Museum.

The collection includes work by Edward Gordon Craig, Robert Edmond Jones, Ming Cho Lee, Ralph Koltai, Pablo Picasso, Natalia Gontcharova, Robert Indiana, and David Hockney.
updated 10/31/2024 13:33:17
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The Museum of Modern Art
Library and Archives
Archives pamphlet file: Tobin, Robert L. B. : miscellaneous uncataloged material. see details...
The Museum of Modern Art
Library and Archives
Artist file: Tobin, Robert L. B.; miscellaneous uncataloged material. see details...