Widener, Joseph E. (Joseph Early), 1872-1943
type Collector
dates 1872-1943
city Philadelphia
other citiesChantilly, France; Frankfort, KY;
sex M
history Joseph Early Widener was an art collector and businessman. He was one of three sons of Peter Arrell Brown Widener (1834-1915) and his wife Hannah Josephine Dunton (c.1836-1896).

He was married to Ella Pancoast (d. 1929) of Philadelphia and had two children, Peter A.B. Widener, II and Josephine (Fifi), later Mrs. Aksel Wichfeld.

The Widener’s collection included paintings, sculpture, decorative art and porcelains. The heart of the collection was established by P. A. B. Widener, enhanced by Joseph and was housed at the Widener estate, Lynnewood Hall, until it was donated by Joseph to the National Gallery in 1942.
updated 02/14/2025 10:12:23
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Repository Description Links
Archives of American Art
Victor Building, Suite 2200
Joseph E. Widener letter, 1923. see details...
National Gallery of Art, Library
2000B South Club Drive
Rembrandt drawings.
see details...
The Getty Research Institute
Research Libraries, Archives and Special Collections
Duveen Brothers Records, 1876-1981, bulk 1909-1964 see details...
The Historical Society of Pennsylvania
1300 Locust Street
Paintings in the collection of Joseph Widener at Lynnewood Hall. see details...
Widener University Archives
Wolfgram Memorial Library
Widener Family History see details...
Archives of American Art
Victor Building, Suite 2200
American Art Association Records, circa 1853-1929, bulk 1885-1922 see details...
The Brooklyn Museum Libraries and Archives
200 Eastern Parkway
Artist file: Widener, Joseph E. (Joseph Early), 1872-1943. see details...
National Gallery of Art, Library
2000B South Club Drive
David E. Finley Papers, 1915-1977 see details...
Keeneland Association Library
John C. Hemment Photographic collection, 1885-1908. see details...
National Gallery of Art
Oral history interview with Agnes Mongan, 1989 June 21.
see details...
National Gallery of Art
Oral history interview with Noel Smith, 1990 August 23.
see details...
National Gallery of Art
Oral history interview with Edith Appleton Standen,f1989 Dec. 1.
see details...
Sterling and Francine Clark Art Institute
Library and Archives
Papers of William J. Collins, 1902-1958. see details...
Biblioteca Berenson, Villa I Tatti
The Harvard University Center for Italian Renaissance Studies
The Fototeca Berenson (Villa I Tatti Photo Archives) see details...
Philadelphia Museum of Art
Langdon Warner Records, 1917-1923 see details...

see alsoWidener, P. A. B. (Peter Arrell Brown), 1834-1915