Mills, Ogden, 1856-1929
type Collector
dates 1856-1929
city New York City
other citiesSacramento, CA; Cambridge, MA; Newport, RI; Staatsburgh, NY; Paris, France; Millbrae, CA;
sex M
history Collector of art and decorative art, businessman, and philanthropist, Mills collected French Antiques, Louis XIV, XV and XVI furnishings.

Mills was the director of the Cerro de Pasco Copper Corporation, the Chicago Transfer and Clearing Company, the City and Suburban Homes Company, the Mergenthaler Linotype Company, the Metropolitan Opera and Real Estate Company, of which he was vice president; president of Mills Inc., the New York Central Railroad, the Niagara Falls Power Company, the North Atlantic Steamship Company, the Oriental Consolidated Mining Company, the Portland Railway, Light and Power Company, the St. Maurice Lumber Company and the Southern Pacific Company. He was trustee of the United States Trust Company of New York, president and director of the Virginia & Truckee Railway and a director of the West Shore Railroad Company.

He was a member of the Union, University, Metropolitan, Racquet can Tennis, Brook, Automobile, Links, and Turf and Field Clubs, and of the Pacific Union Club of San Francisco.

updated 02/14/2025 10:12:24
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Repository Description Links
Library of Congress
Manuscript Division
Reid family papers, 1795-2003 see details...
Brown University, John Hay Archives
John Hay Library
John Hay (b. 1915) papers see details...
Yale University Library
Manuscripts and Archives
Edwin Montefiore Borchard papers, 1910-1950 (inclusive). see details...

see alsoMills, Ruth Livingston