Stein, Leo, 1872-1947
type Collector Artist Scholar/Critic/Expert
dates 1872-1947
city Florence
other citiesAllegheny, PA; Vienna, Austria; Oakland, CA; Cambridge, MA; London, United Kingdom;
sex M
history Leo Stien, the brother of Gertrude Stein, was an art collector and artist.

Beginging in 1903, Leo Stein collected works by then little-known artists: Pablo Picasso, Henri Matisse, Paul Cezanne.

He sold the bulk of his collection to Albert C Barnes in the 1920's.

updated 02/14/2025 10:12:24
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Yale University Library
Manuscripts and Archives
Leo Stein Collection 1892-1950. see details...
Yale University Library
Manuscripts and Archives
Gertrude Stein and Alice B. Toklas papers, 1837-1961 see details...

see alsoStein, Gertrude, 1874-1946