Chapman, Henry T, 1837-1912
type Collector
dates 1837-1912
city New York City
sex M
history Colonel Henry T. Chapman was an art collector, financier, Civil War Veteran (Captain of the Twenty-third Regiment and Colonel of the Fifty-sixth Volunteers), Trustee and Chairman of the Exhibition Committee of the Brooklyn Institute of Arts and Sciences (known now as the Brooklyn Museum of Art) and a member of the New York Stock Exchange (1880-1912) and Lotos Club.

Chapman collected European and American oil paintings, water colors, etchings, and drawings, Chines porcelains, Oriental and European bronzes. Chapman held at least four art auctions from his collection during his life time dispersing his collection in 1872, 1873, 1875, 1888 and one posthumously in 1913.

The 1872 Somerville Art Gallery auction was held on February 20th and 21st and Robert Somerville was the auctioneer.

The 1873 auction held at Leavitt art-rooms (No. 817 Broadway) included 175 paintings by Diaz, Zeim, Perrault, Merie, Stammel, Stevens, Caraud, Koek-Koek, Henrietta Ronner, David Col, William Shayer, H. J. Boddington, Duplessy, Kaltemoser, La Pierre, Ed. Frere, Nepfner and A B Durand, S. R. Gifford, S. Coleman, George Hall among others.

The 1875 auction conducted by the Leavitt Gallery and held at the Kurtz Gallery (Madison Square) included work, among others, by H. Peale, David Col, Wex of Munich, Jules Dupre, Stetzner, Jacque, Wyngaerdt, Garcia Mencia, Deaux, P. W. Sebes, Church, Bierstadt, Kensett, S. R, Gifford, Edward Gay, Story, David Johnson, J. B Irving, T. L. Smith, and Winslow Homer.

The 1888 auction at the American Art Galleries (23rd Street) included 244 paintings and sculptures by (or attributed) Georges Michel, Rousseau, Diaz, Monticelli, Raymond, Aubert, Rossi, Delacroix, Daubigny, Courbet, Isabey, Ribot, Henri Regnault, BArgue, Fortuny, Henner, J. F. Millet, George Morland, Gainsborough, Stanfield, W. Reynolds, Careiton Wiggins, Edward Moran, Darley, Bogert, Boughton, Zeim, Greuze, Gedney Bunce, and Ralph A. Blakelock among others.

The 1913 Anderson Galleries Auction included work attributed by Arthur B. Davies, Ralph A. Blakelock, Wyatt Eaton, Sebastian del Piombo (Berenson attribution), Delacroix, Theodule Ribot, Courbet, Van Goyen, Heinrich Zügel, Decamps, Millet, Troyon, Corot, William Etty, Honore Daumier, and Cornelis Troost (Hofstede de Groot authentication) among others.
updated 02/14/2025 10:12:24
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M. Knoedler & Co. records, approximately 1848-1971 see details...

see alsoChapman, Frederick A