Hammond, Natalie Hays, 1904-1985
type Collector Artist Patron
dates 1904-1985
city North Salem
other citiesLakewood, NJ; New York, NY;
sex F
history Hammond was the daughter of millionaire, adventurer and philanthropist John Hays Hammond (1855-1936) and was, in her own right, a painter, inventor, Broadway set and costume designer, author, patron of the arts, founder of the Hammond Museum and Stroll Garden in North Salem, NY.

Hammond collected photographs by Carl Van Vechten, fans, and had ornate gardens.

updated 02/14/2025 10:12:24
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The Brooklyn Museum Libraries and Archives
200 Eastern Parkway
Artist file. Hammond, Natalie Hays, 1905- see details...
National Portrait Gallery Library
Smithsonian American Art Museum
Artist file: Hammond, Natalie Hays, 1904-1985 see details...

see alsoHammond, John Hays, 1888-1965