Mercer, Henry C., 1856-1930
type Collector
dates 1856-1930
city Doylestown
other citiesCambridge, MA; Philadelphia, PA;
sex M
history Henry Chapman Mercer was a collector, tile manufacturer, archaeologist, antiquarian, aritst and writer of Doylestown, PA.

Mercer collected Americana, decorative arts, artifacts and products of various trades and crafts. He was the founder of the Mercer Museum, Doylestown, PA.

updated 02/14/2025 10:12:25
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Repository Description Links
Bucks County Historical Society
84 South Pine Street
Moravian Pottery and Tile Works Records, 1898-1972 (MSC 294) see details...
Bucks County Historical Society
84 South Pine Street
Henry Chapman Mercer Papers, 1863-1930 (MSC 92 and MSC 291) see details...
Bucks County Historical Society
84 South Pine Street
B. F. Fackenthal Papers, 1722-1940 (MSC 326) see details...
Bucks County Historical Society
84 South Pine Street
Joseph E Sandford Papers, 1926-1965 (MSC 230) see details...
University of Pennsylvania
Rare Book & Manuscript Library Collections
Correspondence with Henry Charles Lea, 1892-1909. see details...
University of Pennsylvania
Rare Book & Manuscript Library Collections
Correspondence to Daniel Garrison Brinton, 1894-1895. see details...
Bucks County Historical Society
84 South Pine Street
Jacob Frank Papers, 1860-1963 (MSC 319) see details...
Bucks County Historical Society
84 South Pine Street
Miscellaneous manuscripts, 1824-1975. see details...
The Museum of Modern Art
Library and Archives
Artist file: Mercer, Henry Chapman; miscellaneous uncataloged material. see details...
Philadelphia Museum of Art
Edwin Atlee Barber Records, 1901-1916 see details...