Thannhauser Galleries
type Dealer/Gallery
dates 1909-1939
city Paris
other citiesMunich, Germany; Lucerne, Switzerland; Berlin, Germany; Paris, France;
sex n/a
history The Thannhauser Galleries, also known as Galerien Thannhauser, was established by Heinrich Thannhauser (1859-1935) in 1909 in Munich.

The gallery’s operations were limited during World War I, and after the war Heinrich’s son, Justin K. Thannhauser (1892-1976), took over its leadership. The Munich gallery remained open until 1928.

With his cousin, Siegfried Rosengart (1894-1985), Justin opened a gallery in Lucerne, Switzerland with his cousin. They later opened a gallery in Berlin.

Being forced to leave Germany, Justin established the gallery in Paris in 1937. In 1939, once again due to Nazi activity, the gallery closed. Justin fled France for New York City where he established himself as a private art dealer.
updated 02/14/2025 10:12:26
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Repository Description Links
Baltimore Museum of Art
The E. Kirkbride Miller Art Research Library
Cone Collection Records, 1929-2008 (BMA.7) see details...
The Museum of Modern Art
Library and Archives
Subject file : MODERNE GALERIE THANNHAUSER: miscellaneous uncataloged material see details...
Archives of American Art
Victor Building, Suite 2200
Heinrich Thannhauser, Munich, Germany letter to Walter Pach, 1913 Jul 16 see details...
Archives of American Art
Victor Building, Suite 2200
Jacques Seligmann & Co. records, 1904-1978, bulk 1913-1974
Box 39; folder 414: Galerien Thannhauser, 1927-1930
see details...

see alsoThannhauser, Justin, 1892-1976