Zook’s Antique Shop (Lititz, Pa.)
type Dealer/Gallery
dates 1926-1965
city Ephrata
sex n/a
history Zook’s Antique Shop was owned by Walter Pierce and Mildred M. (Millie) Zook, who were husband and wife. Prior to opening their shop, Mildred Zook had worked in the antique business with Mary Elizabeth (Bessie) Spangler.

Bessie and her sister Louisa had begun their antique business, Spangler’s Antique Shop, located in Pennsylvania, in 1926. Bessie Spangler died on April 24, 1959. After settling her estate, the Zooks opened their own store. Walter Zook died in 1963, and Mildred carried on the business for at least a few more years.
updated 02/14/2025 10:12:26
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The Winterthur Library
Henry Francis du Pont Winterthur Museum
Zook’s Antique Shop Papers, 1954-1965. see details...