Terry, James, 1844-1912
type Dealer/Gallery
dates 1844-1912
city Hartford
other citiesNew York, NY;
sex M
history James Terry was interested in a variety of scientific and historical subjects. At some point in his career he appears to have worked at the American Museum of Natural History in New York City and he published his only book, Sculptured Anthropoid Ape Heads..., in 1891. For part of his life, Terry resided in Hartford, Ct. and was an antiques dealer. He primarily sold china manufactured by Enoch Wood and Ridgway. In addition, he was an avid collector of early American bookplates and pursued this interest in conjunction with his desire to write a history of early American libraries, both institutional and individual.
updated 02/14/2025 10:12:26
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Repository Description Links
The Winterthur Library
Henry Francis du Pont Winterthur Museum
James Terry Papers, 1878-1916. see details...
Connecticut Historical Society
Library, Manuscript Collections
James Terry Collection, 1711-1829. see details...
American Antiquarian Society
James Terry Papers, 1733-c. 1910. see details...