Fuller, William H., -1902
type Collector
dates ca. 1843-1902
city New York City
other citiesNew Haven, CT;
sex M
history William H. Fuller was a lawyer, wallpaper manufacturer, art collector, friend and patron of artist Claude Monet.

Fuller owned work by, among others, Thomas Gainsborough, John Constable, Richard Wilson, Sir Joshua Reynolds, Jules Dupré, Constant Troyon, Theodore Rousseau, Jean Babtiste Camille Corot, Charles François Daubigny, George Inness, and Claude Monet.

Fuller’s collection was exhibited, along with Charles Dana's collection, and sold in 1898 at the American Art Galleries (Chickering Hall). The sale earned $166,200.

He was a Member of the Union League Club of New York he served as Chairman of the Art Committee, and lent four paintings by Claude Monet to the 1891, Union League Club of New York Exhibition, they were as follows: “The Cliffs”, “Plum Blossoms”, “The Wheatfield”, and “Floating Ice on the Seine.”

updated 10/31/2024 13:33:21
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