Wood, Thomas Waterman, 1823-1903
type Artist Dealer/Gallery
dates 1823-1903
city New York City
other citiesMontpelier, VT; Paris, France;
sex M
history American artist known for The Contraband, Recruit and Veteran, at the MMA.

In 1869, Wood was elected an Associate of the National Academy of Design and, in 1871, an Academician. He became President of the American Water Color Society in 1878 and served in that office until 1887. He acted as Vice-President of the National Academy of Design for a period of twelve years beginning in 1879. In 1891 he became the President of the Academy. (http://www.twwoodgallery.org/treasures_timeline.html)

updated 02/14/2025 10:12:26
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Repository Description Links
Archives of American Art
Victor Building, Suite 2200
Thomas Waterman Wood papers and art gallery records, 1845-1979 see details...
National Portrait Gallery Library
Smithsonian American Art Museum
Artist file: Ferris, Wood, Thomas Waterman, 1823-1903 see details...

see alsoT.W. Wood Art Gallery