Livingston, Robert R., 1718-1775
type Collector
dates 1718-1775
city New York City
other citiesClaremont, NY;
sex M
history Robert R. Livingston was a politician and collector. He served as a member of the provincial assembly from 1759 to 1768, as a delegate to the Stamp Act Congress of 1765, and as a member of the Committee of One Hundred.

The son of Robert Livingston (1688-1775) of Clermont, he married Margaret Beekman, heir to large pieces of land in New York’s Hudson Valley.

updated 02/14/2025 10:12:26
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Repository Description Links
The New-York Historical Society
Manuscript Department
Robert R. Livingston papers, 1707-1862. see details...
The New-York Historical Society
Manuscript Department
McBean Collection of Livingston and Morris Family research see details...

see alsoLivingston, Robert R., 1746-1813