Acton, Arthur
type Collector Consultant
dates 1873-1953
city Florence
other citiesNaples, Italy;
sex M
history Arthur Acton was an architect, art collector and dealer.

Acton collected art and architectural artifacts both for himself and as an agent, especially for Stanford White (1853–1906) who was a classmate of his from the École des Beaux-Arts, Paris.

Acton's wife, Hortense Mitchell (1871–1962), was an American heiress and the daughter of the banker William H. Mitchell (1817–1910), President of the First National Trust Bank in Alton, Illinois.

The Actons collected paintings and sculptures which are still held at their home in Florentine home Villa La Pietra.
updated 02/14/2025 10:12:27
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Repository Description Links
New York University, Villa La Pietra
Acton Art Collection Archives
The Acton Papers see details...

see alsoActon, Harold, 1904-1994