Runkle, John C
type Collector
dates 1836-
city New York City
sex M
history John C. Runkle was an art collector and businessman (Coffee and Tea Dealer).

Auctioned off in 1883 under the supervision of S. P. Avery by George A. Leavitt & Co., Runkle’s art collection included work by Barbizon painters, such as, W. A. Bouguereau, A. Braith, G. Boldini, C. Daubigny, J. B. C. Corot, N. Diaz, Jules Dupré, J. L. Gérôme, L. G. E. Isaby, Charles Jacques, L. Knaus, J. F. Millet, George Michel, A. Pasini, Ad. Schreyer, Constant Troyon, E. Van Marke, and A. Vollon.

updated 10/31/2024 13:33:21
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