Rockefeller, Michael Clark, 1938-1961
type Collector
dates 1938-1961
city New York City
other citiesCambridge, MA;
sex M
history Michael Rockefeller was a collector of work by the Asmat tribe in Papua New Guinea and the son of Nelson Rockefeller (1908-1979).

Many of the artifacts Rockefeller collected are part of the Michael C. Rockefeller collection at the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York City.
updated 02/14/2025 10:12:28
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Repository Description Links
The Museum of Modern Art
Library and Archives
Rockefeller, Michael C. : [photography bio file]. see details...
University of Texas, Austin
Harry Ransom Humanities Research Center
Eliot Elisofon Papers, 1930-1988 (bulk, 1942-1973) see details...
Robert Goldwater Library, The Metropolitan Museum of Art
Rockefeller, Michael Clark [Miscellaneous articles] see details...
Robert Goldwater Library, The Metropolitan Museum of Art
Morgan, Neil [Miscellaneous articles] see details...
Photograph Study Collection, Arts of Africa, Oceania, and the Americas
The Metropolitan Art Museum
Michael C Rockefeller Photograph Study Collection see details...

see alsoRockefeller, Nelson A. (Nelson Aldrich), 1908-1979