Lummis, Charles Fletcher, 1859-1928
type Collector
dates 1859-1928
city Los Angeles
other citiesLynn, MA; New Hampshire; Cincinnati, OH; San Mateo, NM; Lima, Peru;
sex M
history Charles Fletcher Lummis was a journalist, editor, photographer, anthropologist, poet, librarian, Native American Indian activist, promoter and collector.

Lummis established the Southwest Museum in 1907. The mueum merged with the Autry Museum of Western Heritage in 2003 to form The Autry National Center.

updated 02/14/2025 10:12:28
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Cornell University Libraries
Division of Rare and Manuscript Collections
Joseph Keppler Jr. Iroquois papers, 1882-1944. see details...
The Autry National Center
Braun Research Library
Charles Lummis Archives see details...
National Anthropological Archives
Smithsonian Institution Museum Support Center
Frank Hamilton Cushing Letters Sent December 30, 1896-May 22, 1899. see details...
National Anthropological Archives
Smithsonian Institution Museum Support Center
Alice Cunningham Fletcher and Francis La Flesche papers, 1873-1939. see details...
National Museum of the American Indian Archives Center
MRC-541, Cultural Resources Center
Museum of the American Indian/Heye Foundation records, 1890-1998. see details...
National Anthropological Archives
Smithsonian Institution Museum Support Center
Ales Hrdlicka Papers ca. 1887-1943 see details...
National Anthropological Archives
Smithsonian Institution Museum Support Center
Otis Tufton Mason papers, circa 1884-1904. see details...
National Anthropological Archives
Smithsonian Institution Museum Support Center
Elizabeth Compton Hegemann Photographs ca. 1924-1934 see details...
University of California, Irvine
Special Collections & Archives
Charles F. Lummis papers, bulk 1904-1914 see details...
University of California, Los Angeles
YRL Department of Special Collections
Charles Fletcher Lummis Papers, 1860-1956 (bulk 1890-1920) see details...
University of California, Los Angeles
YRL Department of Special Collections
Charles Fletcher Lummis Papers, 1889-1928. see details...
The Bancroft Library
University of California
George W. Marston letters received : TLS, 1923 October 31 - 1945 November 8. see details...
University of California, Berkeley
The Bancroft Library
Mary Downing Barnes papers, 1890-1898. see details...
University of California, Berkeley
The Bancroft Library
Western authors material from the Huntington Library : ms. see details...
The Huntington Library
1151 Oxford Road
Letters of Dorothea Moore, 1883-1884 see details...
The Autry National Center
Braun Research Library
Lummis correspondence series papers, 1880-1928 see details...
University of Arizona Libraries, Special Collections
University of Arizona
Papers of Charles Fletcher Lummis, 1860-1956 (bulk 1890-1920) see details...
University of Arizona Libraries, Special Collections
University of Arizona
Charles F. Lummis collection, 1559-1973 (bulk 1879-1928). see details...
University of Arizona Libraries, Special Collections
University of Arizona
Frances Douglas Papers see details...
University of Arizona Libraries, Special Collections
University of Arizona
Lewis W. Douglas papers, 1859-1974 (bulk 1880-1960) see details...
The Huntington Library
1151 Oxford Road
Papers of Fernand Lungren, 1897-1928 see details...
The Huntington Library
1151 Oxford Road
Papers of Mary Emily Foy, 1879-1957. see details...
New Mexico History Museum
Fray Angélico Chávez History Library
Charles F. Lummis collection, 1878-1920. see details...
The Autry National Center
Braun Research Library
The Mary Hunter Austin Collection [manuscript materials] : at the Autry National Center. see details...
Museum of Indian Arts and Culture
Laboratory of Anthropology
Charles Fletcher Lummis album, 1889-1891. see details...
The Huntington Library
1151 Oxford Road
Henry G. Peabody Collection of Photographs and Negatives [graphic], 1859-1993, (bulk 1890s-1900s) see details...
The Brooklyn Museum Libraries and Archives
200 Eastern Parkway
Culin Archival Collection Series 2: collecting expeditions 1898-1928 1903-1928 (bulk). see details...
The Autry National Center
Braun Research Library
Charles Fletcher Lummis Manuscript Collection 1879-1928 [manuscript materials]./ Charles Fletcher Lummis. see details...
New Mexico History Museum
Fray Angélico Chávez History Library
Alice C. Fletcher Collection, 1904-1911 see details...
New Mexico History Museum
Fray Angélico Chávez History Library
Bandelier collection, 1880-1966, (bulk, 1880-1927). see details...
The Huntington Library
1151 Oxford Road
Papers of Ina D. Coolbrith, 1889-1932 (bulk 1906-1927). see details...
New Mexico State Records Center and Archives
1205 Camino Carlos Rey
Amado Chaves Papers, 1698-1931 see details...
The Huntington Library
1151 Oxford Road
Letters of Charles Fletcher Lummis, 1900-1925 see details...
The Huntington Library
1151 Oxford Road
Papers of W. R. McNair, 1897-1935 see details...
The Huntington Library
1151 Oxford Road
Papers of Neeta Marquis, 1862-1957   see details...
The Huntington Library
1151 Oxford Road
Papers of Mary Hunter Austin, 1845-1950 (bulk 1920-1934)   see details...
The Huntington Library
1151 Oxford Road
Papers of Margaret Collier Graham, 1821-1934 (bulk 1876-1896)   see details...
The Huntington Library
1151 Oxford Road
Papers of Julia Boynton Green, 1891-1950. see details...
The Huntington Library
1151 Oxford Road
Papers of Jennie Cook Davis, 1885-1992 (bulk 1917-1942)   see details...
The Huntington Library
1151 Oxford Road
Papers of Horatio Nelson Rust, 1799-1906 (bulk 1870-1906)   see details...
The Huntington Library
1151 Oxford Road
Papers of Elwyn Irving Hoffman, 1893-1947   see details...
The Huntington Library
1151 Oxford Road
Papers of Clara Bradley Burdette, 1843-1954.   see details...
The Huntington Library
1151 Oxford Road
Papers of Charles Augustus Keeler, 1895-1944.   see details...
The Huntington Library
1151 Oxford Road
Papers of Caroline Maria Seymour Severance, 1830-1980 (bulk) 1860-1914   see details...
The Huntington Library
1151 Oxford Road
Papers and Addenda of Grace Nicholson, 1784-1975 (bulk 1900-1951)   see details...

see alsoKeppler, Udo J., 1872-1956