Horvitz, Jeffrey E.
type Collector Dealer/Gallery
dates 1950-
city Beverly Farms
other citiesLos Angeles, CA; Philadelphia, PA;
sex M
history Jeffrey Horvitz is a private investor (Vice Chairman, Moreland Management Company) art collector, and Boston Museum of Fine Arts trustee.

Jeffrey Horvitz has collected both Italian and French Old Masters drawings, Chinese cinnabar lacquer, Vietnamese porcelain, Khmer bronzes, and contemporary art.

In January of 2008 Horvitz sold his Italian drawings collection at Sotheby’s New York. The Italian drawings included work by Parmigiano, Giulio Romano, Lelio Orsi, Federico Barocci, Annibale Carracci, Guercino, Giambattista and Giandomenico Tiepolo.

The focus of Horvitz collection is now French drawings, paintings, and sculpture and includes work by, among others, Greuze, Watteau, Vouet, Callot, and Boucher.

It is his second wife’s, nee Carol Louise Sunday, interest in Asian art which has influenced the growth of this part of the collection.

Horvitz divorced his first wife, nee Linda Hill (m. 1973), in 1991.

updated 10/31/2024 13:33:23
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