Gould, Frank Jay
type Collector
dates 1887-1956
city New York City
other citiesCannes, France;
sex M
history Frank Jay Gould was a financier, philanthropist and art collector.

Gould collected painting and tapestries. gould was married three times
updated 02/14/2025 10:12:28
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Repository Description Links
New York University
Henry Mitchell MacCracken administrative records, 1884-1910. see details...
The Metropolitan Museum of Art
Please see individual record for location
Photographs, [ca. 1910]. see details...
Archives Department
Gould Family Scrapbooks, 1892-1931. see details...

see alsoGould, Jay, 1836-1892
Gould, George Jay, 1864-1923
Gould, Florence, 1895-1983