Paul Rosenberg & Co.
type Dealer/Gallery
dates 1878-1987
city New York City
other citiesParis, France;
sex n/a
history Paul Rosenberg (1881-1959), a french dealer, brother and one time partner of Léonce Rosenberg. Following World War I, Paul Rosenberg succeeded in wooing Picasso, Braque and Leger away from his brother and from Daniel Kahnweiler and bringing them under contract with him.

Paul Rosenberg established an international reputation and opened a gallery in London with his brother-in-law Jacques Helft before leaving Paris in 1939 and settling in New York, where he opened a gallery in 1940.

After Paul Rosenberg's death in 1959, his son Alexander P. Rosenberg ran the gallery until he died in 1987.

updated 02/14/2025 10:12:22
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Repository Description Links
Pierpont Morgan Library Archives
225 Madison Avenue at 36th Street
Pierpont Morgan Library. Rosenberg Collection. see details...
Archives of American Art
Victor Building, Suite 2200
Abraham Rattner and Esther Gentle papers, 1891-1986. see details...
Archives of American Art
Victor Building, Suite 2200
Oronzio Maldarelli photographs and printed materials, [undated] and 1963. see details...
Whitney Museum of American Art
The Frances Mulhall Achilles Library, Archives
Karl Knaths artist file. see details...
The Museum of Modern Art
Library and Archives
The Paul Rosenberg Archives, 1905-2000 see details...
The Museum of Modern Art
Library and Archives
Paul Rosenberg and Company [electronic resource] : from France to America. see details...
Whitney Museum of American Art
The Frances Mulhall Achilles Library, Archives
Karl Knaths artist file. see details...

see alsoRosenberg, Léonce, 1879-1947
Rosenberg, Alexandre P.
Rosenberg, Paul, 1881-1959
L. & P. Rosenberg Fils