Zekman, Theodore N
type Collector
dates 1907-2003
city West Palm Beach
other citiesMinneapolis, MN; Manila, Philippines; Chicago, IL;
sex M
history Dr. Theodore Nathan Zekman was an ophthalmologist and art collector. He collected ancient, Byzantine, modern, and abstract art. His collection included Etruscan sculptures and paintings by artists such as, among others, Mark Rothko (1903–1970). Zekman gave the Art Institute of Chicago Etruscan bronze sculptures in 1988.

Zekman was married Lois Bernstein and they had two daughters: Pamela L. Zekman; and Terri Margaret Zekman (1950-, m. Alan Daniels in 1980). His parents were Tillie Marmer and Arthur Zekman.

updated 02/14/2025 10:12:30
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Victor Building, Suite 2200
Waddell Gallery records, 1961-1978. see details...