Colin, Ralph F., 1900-1985
type Collector
dates 1900-1985
city New York City
sex M
history Collector, lawyer, Trustee of Modern Museum (1954-1969), administrative vice president and counsel to the Art Dealers Association of America, which he organized in 1962, and known for the collection of 20th-century art that he formed with his wife, the former Georgia Talmey.

Included in their collection were works by Edouard Vuillard, Chaim Soutine, Juan Gris, and Jean Dubuffet. Colin Purchased work from Otto Gerson

updated 02/14/2025 10:12:22
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Archives of American Art
Victor Building, Suite 2200
Ralph F. Colin interview, 1969 Aug. 15. see details...
Archives of American Art
Victor Building, Suite 2200
Ralph F. Colin interview, 1965 Mar. 12.
see details...