Cantor, Iris
type Collector Patron
city Beverly Hills
other citiesNew York, NY;
sex F
history In 1977, Iris Bazel married the financier, art collector and patron, B. Gerald Cantor (1916-1996).

The Cantors collected art together.
updated 02/14/2025 10:12:23
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Repository Description Links
The Brooklyn Museum Libraries and Archives
200 Eastern Parkway
Records, Exhibition negatives: installations. Hands of Rodin: A Tribute to B. Gerald Cantor. 1997. see details...
The Brooklyn Museum Libraries and Archives
200 Eastern Parkway
Exhibition negatives: installations. 1968. Records, Homage to Rodin. see details...
The Brooklyn Museum Libraries and Archives
200 Eastern Parkway
Records, Exhibition negatives: installations. Rodin Gallery. 1988. see details...
The Brooklyn Museum Libraries and Archives
200 Eastern Parkway
Records, Exhibition negatives: installations. Rodin: The Cantor Gift to The Brooklyn Museum. 1987. see details...

see alsoCantor, B. Gerald, 1916-1996