Codman, Richard, 1762-1806
type Collector
dates 1762-1806
city Paris
other citiesBoston, MA;
sex M
history Richard Codman was an art collector and shipper from Boston who represented the firm of John and Richard Codman in France. He was instrumental in acquiring works of art for his brother, John Codman.
updated 02/14/2025 10:12:23
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Repository Description Links
Columbia University Libraries
Butler Library, 6th Fl. East,
Ogden Codman architectural drawings and papers, circa 1793-1936, (bulk, circa 1890-1936) see details...
Library of Congress
Manuscript Division
Papers of Sylvanus Bourne, 1775-1859 (bulk 1800-1815). see details...
Boston Athenaeum
Library of the Boston Athenæum
A history of the Codman collection of pictures. by Cora Codman Wolcott, Twin Pines Farm, Brookline, Massachusetts.
see details...
SPNEA: Historic New England
Library and Archives
Codman Family Manuscripts Collection see details...

see alsoCodman, John, 1755-1803