Cone, Etta
type Collector
dates 1870-1949
city Baltimore
sex F
history Art Collector and sister to Dr. Claribel Cone and Frederick W. Cone.

Etta was the first of the Cones to purchase artwork and in 1898, she began her collection with five paintings by Theodore Robinson.
updated 02/14/2025 10:12:23
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Repository Description Links
Baltimore Museum of Art
The E. Kirkbride Miller Art Research Library
Dr. Claribel and Miss Etta Cone Papers, 1885-1949 (MS.1 Series 1-4, 6) see details...
Johns Hopkins University
Special Collections
George Boas Papers see details...
Yale University Library
Manuscripts and Archives
Gertrude Stein and Alice B. Toklas papers, 1837-1961 see details...
Archives of American Art
Victor Building, Suite 2200
Aline and Eero Saarinen papers, 1906-1977 see details...
Archives of American Art
Victor Building, Suite 2200
Richard Guggenheimer papers, 1925-1974.
see details...
University of North Carolina, Greensboro
The Walter Clinton Jackson Library, Special Collections
Etta Cone letters, 1927-1949. see details...
Baltimore Museum of Art
The E. Kirkbride Miller Art Research Library
Cone Collection Records, 1929-2008 (BMA.7) see details...
Baltimore Museum of Art
The E. Kirkbride Miller Art Research Library
Dr. Claribel and Miss Etta Cone Papers, Series 5. Photographs see details...
The Frick Collection and Frick Art Research Library
10 East 71st Street
Photographs of the apartments of Miss Etta Cone and of Dr. Claribel Cone showing arrangement of art objects. see details...

see alsoCone, Claribel
Cone, Frederic W.
Hirschland, Ellen B.
Adler, Blanche, 1877-1941
May, Saidie Adler, 1879-1951