Lilly, Josiah Kirby, 1893-1966
type Collector
dates 1893-1966
city Indianapolis
other citiesQuisset, MA;
sex M
history Businessman, philanthropist, collector and Oldfields owner Josiah K. Lilly Jr. was a grandson of Colonel Eli Lilly, founder of the pharmaceutical firm Eli Lilly and Company.

Lilly collected and commissioned paintings from Frank V. Smith for his estate in Quisset, MA. Oldfield's residence, now known as the Lilly House, is owned by the Indianapolis Art Museum.

updated 02/14/2025 10:12:23
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Repository Description Links
Archives of American Art
Victor Building, Suite 2200
Josiah K. Lilly papers relating to Frank V. Smith, 1946-1962.
see details...
Indiana Historical Society
William Henry Smith Memorial Library
Herman B Wells Interview, 1979. see details...
Indiana State Library
Indiana Division, Manuscript Section
Selma Neubacher Steele Papers, 1906-1940 (bulk 1926-1940). see details...
Indiana State Library
Indiana Division, Manuscript Section
Richard Lieber Papers, 1892-1958 (bulk 1933-1944). see details...
Indiana State Library
Indiana Division, Manuscript Section
Christ Church Cathedral (Indianapolis, Ind.) Records, 1840-1977. see details...
Indiana Historical Society
William Henry Smith Memorial Library
Smith Clarence Herbert Papers, 1775-1955. see details...
University of Virginia Library
Albert and Shirley Small Special Collections Library
Frederic G. Melcher-Robert Frost Collection, Accession #13024 see details...
University of Pennsylvania

Rare Book & Manuscript Library Collections
Theodore Dreiser Papers, ca. 1890-1965 (bulk 1897-1955). see details...
Indiana Historical Society
William Henry Smith Memorial Library
Mary V. Black Collection, 1855-1993 (bulk 1899-1993) see details...
Indiana Historical Society
William Henry Smith Memorial Library
Josiah K. Lilly, Jr. collections photographs [graphic], May 1966. see details...
Indiana University
The Lilly Library
Josiah Kirby Papers, 1919-1954 (Lilly Correspondence) see details...
University of Kentucky Libraries
Special Collections and Digital Programs
Stephen Collins Foster papers, 1856-1946, 1931-1946 (bulk dates) see details...
Rosenbach Museum & Library
2008-2010 DeLancey Place
Rosenbach Company Correspondence, 1903-1953. see details...

see alsoLilly, Eli, 1885-1977