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Artist NamePieter Stalpaert
Artist ActiveAmsterdam |a 1599-1637
Verbatim Entry1 lantschap van Pieter Stalpaert f 40:--:--
Montias SubjectLANDSCAPE
Object Typepainting
Value40 |t gulden
BuyerBenedictus Maijer
Buyer FamilyMaijer ( Meijer, Meyer), Benedictus
Buyer NotesBenedictus Meijer was called oudkleercooper in 1625 when he bought a house on the East side of Het Nieuwe Weespat (WK 5073/913). He was thus a buyer of second-hand clothing and probably an uitdraager as well. On 3 August 1627, Niclaes Coques, as the appointed guardian of Sara, 17 years old, the daughter left by Benedictus Meyer, oudcleercoper and Grietgen Houtman, listed before the Orphan Chamber the assets to which she was entitled. These included a number of houses (one on the Lauriersstraet assessed 700 f.) and an obligation with the face value of 3000 f. (WK 5073/789, fol. 160vo.) On 18 December 1630, Barent Barentsz. de jonge, dealer in hides, husband and guardian of Aeltge Tielmans, the only daughter and heiress of Tieleman Jaspersz. appeared and declared having received out of the hands of Mr. Hugo de Goijer (cited in the NOTES to R 24908), heir of Benedictus Meijer [crossed out: vettevarier], the sum of 600 f., in the form of an obligation owed by David Coster, dyer, principal, and Jan Valckenburg (probably of R 31706) and Benedictus Meijer, sureties, passed before the masters of the Orphan Chamber on 17 May 1611 (NA 842, Not. Hoogeboom). The heirs of Benedictus Meijer paid a tax of 10 f. in 1631, at which time they lived on the Lauriersstraet (Kohier, fol. 99vo., p. 24).
Buyer OccupationRetail merchant |a Uitdraagster/uitdraager
Montias2 Record20469

Source Information   (View Inventory)

ArchiveGemeentearchief Amsterdam
Call NumberWK 5073/955
TypeOrphan Chamber
Inventory Number575
Lot Number0038
Inventory Date1620/04/06
Owner NameBisschop, Paulus