Artist NameNagel
Authority NameNAGEL, JAN
Artist ActiveHaarlem |a 1600-1616
Verbatim Entryno. 26 1 lantschapgen Nagel 1 wintertgen f 22:--;--
Titlelantschapgen- wintertgen
Title Modifierprobably a single lot
Montias SubjectLANDSCAPE
Object Typepainting
Value22 |t gulden
BuyerThyman Visscher
Buyer FamilyVisscher, Thyman (Jansz.)
Buyer NotesThe buyer, Thyman Jansz. Visscher, was a grain merchant (See the petition to the municipal authorities that he signed in October 1621 in Van Dillen, Bronnen tot de geschiedenis van het bedrijfsleven R.G.P.78(1933), pp. 418-420.) He was buried in the N.K. on 29 January 1627 (DTB 1054/29). He may have been the brother of the engraver Claes Jansz. Visscher of R 22512. On 24 November 1627, Abraham Anthonisz. (of R 20033) and Herman Dircx brought two obligations to the Orphan Chamber on behalf of Cornelis Jansz. Visscher and his descendants inherited from Tymen Jansz. Visscher, his brother (WK 5073/789).
Buyer OccupationMerchant (largescale)|a Grain
Montias2 Record20498

Source Information  

ArchiveGemeentearchief Amsterdam
Call NumberWK 5073/954
TypeOrphan Chamber
Inventory Number2730
Lot Number0019
Inventory Date1621/05/12
Owner NameMartsen (Martsz.), Albert [Elbert]