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Artist NameGoltius
Artist ActiveHaarlem |a 1577-1617
Verbatim Entryno. 31 1 Bachus met de pen gedaen van Goltius f 14:--:--
Montias SubjectMYTHOLOGY
Object Typepen drawing
Value14 |t gulden
BuyerJan van Wely (III)
Buyer FamilyWely, Jan (or Hans) van, III
Buyer NotesJan van Wely III was the son of Jan van Wely II (of R 21219), who was assassinated in The Hague in 1616 and of Leonora Hawkins. Like his father and grandfather, Jan van Wely I, he was a jeweler and trader in precious stones. On 21 February 1625, he was named guardian over the son left by Jan de Hooges (bookkeeper) and Mayken Tirons, along with Abraham Walpergen and the painter Pieter Stalpaert of R 26682 (WK 5073/513, fol. 29). Abraham de Walpergen was the uncle of Maaike de Walpergen who married Pieter Stalpaert in 1611 (R 26682). On 13 May 1626, he brought to the Orphan Chamber an interest-bearing obligation yielding 42 f. a year on behalf Anthoni, 4, the son of Jan de Hooges, bookkeeper, whose mother was Mayken Tyron (WK 5073/789). On 16 November 1640, Hans van Wely de jonge, son of Hans van Wely de oude, was cited as having sold granates for 12 gulden a pound to Charles van Dreyssen, a ruby cutter (robijnsnijder). David ter Haer (of R 18944) supported Van Dreyssen's contention that the stones sold by an Italian named Claes Pietersz. to a merchant were granates and not rubies (Van Dillen, Bronnen tot de geschiedenis van het bedrijfsleven R.G.P.144(1974), p. 281). He died in 1652 (Maandblad Amstelodamum 67(1980), p. 14).
Buyer OccupationArtisan |a Goldsmith, jeweler
ProvenanceIdentical with lot 0010 of INVNO 273 (een Bacchus gedaen mette pen van Goltzius)
Montias2 Record20500

Source Information   (View Inventory)

ArchiveGemeentearchief Amsterdam
Call NumberWK 5073/954
TypeOrphan Chamber
Inventory Number2730
Lot Number0021
Inventory Date1621/05/12
Owner NameMartsen (Martsz.), Albert [Elbert]