Inv#.Lot | 2730.0025 |
Artist Name | Osea |
Authority Name | BEERT, OSAIAS |
Qualifier | (perhaps) |
Artist Active | Antwerp |a 1602-1623 | Verbatim Entry | no. 25 1 bancket van Osea f 27:--:-- |
Title | bancket van Osea |
Montias Subject | STILL LIFE |
Object Type | painting |
Value | 27 |t gulden |
Buyer | Willem Mourisz. Smit |
Buyer Family | Smit, Willem Mourisz. (Mauritsz.) | Buyer Notes | On 18 August 1614, Willem Mauritsz., 19, declared at the request of Judith Dircksdr., wife of Jasper Cornelisz. Pijl, that he had delivered a sum of money to Judith Dircksdr. (NA 377, fol. 312). The age of Willem Mauritsz. given in this deposition, is consistent with that of Willem Mourisz. Smit, given in the following betrothal record. On 18 March 1622, Willem Mourisz. Smit, 26 years old, living on the Heeregracht, assisted by his mother Grietje Pieters, was betrothed to Anna Muijlgens, 26, assisted by haer niece Marytge Meuyltgens (DTB 669/74). Anna Muijlgens was almost certainly the daughter of Hans Muylkens of INVNO 1138. This is supported by the indication in the right-hand margin of several works of art in Muylkens's inventory that the item was identified (?) by Willem Smith and by a declaration of Willem Smidt, merchant in Amsterdam, dated 6 October 1639, wherein Smidt claimed that his brother-in-law, the painter Adriaen Muyltges, owed him 1500 f., which he had borrowed in 1630 (Bredius, Künstler-inventare, p. 1516 and the TEXT of R 1033 of Montias1). Anna Muijlgens was thus the sister of Geertie Muilkens, the wife of the painter Barent Noorman of R 30045. She assisted Anna Wijntjes upon her betrothal to Lodowijck Borremans of R 20504 on 15 July 1641 (R 35477 and INVNO 1165). In 1631, Willem Mourisz. Smith paid a tax of 20 f., at which time he was living on the West side of the Nieuwendijck (Kohier, fol. 284, p. 64). At an unknown date, Willem Smit remarried with Lysbeth Jacobs, the daughter of Wybrich Jans of R 19480. His new wife was the sister of Ermtje Jacobs, the wife of Gysbert Michielsz. Hoppesack of R 32342. Willem Smit and Wybrich Jansz. both lived on the West side of the Nieuwendijck. Willem Smit was the testamentary executor of the will of Wybrich Jans (NA 1413, film 1381, Not. F. Bruyning). On 6 November 1632, the honorable Hendrick Barentsz. Bontemantel, 60 (of R 31983), and Willem Smith, 37, both merchants, made a deposition at the request of the honorable Jeroen de Hase (of R 29604) about the authenticity of a letter written by the late Cornelis Matelyoff (NA 694B, Not. J. Warnaerts). On 1 September 1634, a young woman accused Adriaen Muylties of having had fleshly conversation with her (NA 751, film 5178, fol. 397). On 29 September 1636, Sr. Adriaen Muyltjes, merchant, declared that he had a procuration from Claes Thomasz., merchant in Helscheneur (Elsinore in Denmark) (NA 372). On 30 September 1636, Adriaen Muijltjes, presently living in Denmark, gave his brother-in-law Willem Smit, a procuration to act on his behalf (NA 597, fol. 552/3, Not. Lamberti). Some time before 21 April 1648, Cornelia Spijckers, widow of the painter Adriaen Muylties, and Willem Smith, uncle and blood relative of the children of Muylties's first marriage (with Janneken van Diggelen), who were still of minor age, requested Beneficium inventaris from the court in The Hague for the estate of Adriaen Muylties, which was heavily laden with debts. This was granted on 21 April (Bredius, Künstler-inventare, p. 1520). |
Buyer Occupation | Merchant (largescale) |
Provenance | Probably identical with een stuck schilderij zijnde een bancket gedaen [left blank], LOT 0021 of INVNO 273. |
Montias2 Record | 20504 |
Source Information
Archive | Gemeentearchief Amsterdam |
Call Number | WK 5073/954 |
Type | Orphan Chamber |
Inventory Number | 2730 | Lot Number | 0025 | Inventory Date | 1621/05/12 |
Owner Name | Martsen (Martsz.), Albert [Elbert] |
Purpose | auction |