Artist NameRoelant van Seyl
Authority NameZIJL, ROELOF VAN
Qualifier(On Roelof van Zijl see the ATMO of R 4557.)
Artist ActiveUtrecht |a 1608-1635
Verbatim EntryNo. 24 1 lantschap van de jongen Tobias van Roelant van Seyl f 19:--:--
Titlelantschap van de jongen Tobias
Montias SubjectOLD TESTAMENT
Object Typepainting
Value19 |t gulden
BuyerHerman de Bisschop
Buyer FamilyBisschop, Herman de
Buyer NotesThe buyer, Herman de Bisschop, was the son, by his second marriage, of Jan Phillipsz. de Bisschop (of R 27711) and of Lijsbeth Hermans. He was baptized in 1588 (DTB 1/360) and was buried in the N.K. on 21 February 1637 (DTB 1054/106vo). On 12 September 1624, Harmen de Bischop, from Amsterdam, 36 years old, no living parents, assisted by his brother Dirck de Bischop, living on the Coningsgracht, was betrothed to Aeltje Adriaans, from Amsterdam, 21, assisted by her parents Adriaen Jacobsz. and Griet Jans (DTB 670/1). Adriaen Jacobsz. was the stockviskooper, Bergenvaerder, and fiery Remonstrant of R 20404. When Jan Phillips de Bisschop died in 1623, he left an estate of f 120,000 for his three children (Elias, Vroedschap, pp. 146-7). Harmen Bisschop signed the Remonstrant petition of 1628. On 19 December 1629, Dirck and Herman de Bisschop declared before the Orphan Chamber that Elisabeth, 8 years old, the daughter of Elisabeth de Bisschop, their sister, whose father is Jan Huydecooper, presently alderman, was entitled to 41,000 f. from the inheritance of her grandfather Jan de Bisschop, including a house on the Coningsgracht assessed at 14,000 f. (WK 5073/789). Elisabeth de Bisschop, baptized on 31 March 1591, married Joan Huydecooper on 20 July 1621 and was buried on 18 February 1622. Huydecoper also signed the Remonstrant petition of 1628. He was knighted by Queen Christina of Sweden in 1634 and died in 1661. Herman de Bisschop remarried (on 9 July 1624) with Maria Coymans, the daughter of the rich merchant and art collector Balthasar Coymans (Elias, Vroedschap, pp. 384-5). Herman de Bisschop paid a tax of 300 f in 1631, at which time he lived on the Keisersgracht (Kohier, fol. 186v). His house on the Keisersgracht was built by the master mason Harmen Adriaensz. (Hesselingh) (E. van Houten, Grachten, p. 57). Harmen Adriaensz. seems to have been the brother of Pieter and Claesz. Adriaensz. van Delft, who were also master mason/sculptors. All three were trained by the architect Hendrick de Keyser (Ann Adams, The Paintings of Thomas de Keyser, Ph.D. Dissertation, p.21).
Montias2 Record20596

Source Information  

ArchiveGemeentearchief Amsterdam
Call NumberWK 5073/954
TypeOrphan Chamber
Inventory Number579
Lot Number0029
Inventory Date1625/03/19
Owner NameHoeffslager, Hendrick