Artist NameJoriaen Vlegel
Artist ActiveUtrecht |a 1625
Verbatim EntryNo. 26 1 peeckelharingh van Joriaen Vlegel f 10:--:--
Montias SubjectSTILL LIFE
Object Typepainting
Value10 |t gulden
BuyerJacob van Beeck
Buyer FamilyBeeck, Jacob van
Buyer NotesThe buyer, Jacob van Beeck, seems to be identical with the individual of that name who was said to be the brother-in-law of Casper Vortgens, merchant in Haarlem. On 22 March 1628, Jacob van Beeck received 50 pounds of twineyarn on Vortgens's behalf as security for a debt of f 800 (Van Dillen, Bronnen tot de geschiedenis van het bedrijfsleven R.G.P.78(1933), p. 648). It is likely that Vortgens is an alternative spelling (or misspelling) of Versen, Virsen, or Versten and that Jacob van Beeck was thus related to Anna van Virsen Goosens, the wife of Hendrick Hoeffslager of the present inventory. On 28 January 1625, Jacob van Beeck and Dirck van Wissel (of R 20620) were named guardians over the children of Hendrick Hoefslager by the Orphan Chamber (WK 5073/513, fol. 27). On 20 March 1626, Jacob van Beeck brought receipts for deposits in the Wisselbank for the sum of 8,000 f. on behalf of Gosterwyn, 12, and Ermtgen, 10, the two children left by Heyndrick Hoefslager, silk cloth dealer, whose mother was Anna van Virsen (WK 5073/789, lade 307). On 30 May 1633, Jacob van Beeck, merchant, 30, and Govert Boeckholt, goldsmith, 29, declared at the request of Hendrick van Beeck (probably the brother-in-law of Christina van Steenkiste of INVNO 109) that the goldsmith's equipment of Franchoijs Dusart had been sold (NA 694B, film 4980 Not. J. Warnaerts). Jacob van Beeck is likely to be the silk dyer whose insolvent inventory was taken on 2 November 1657 (DBK 5072/365, fol. 10, INVNO 1149). Jacob van Beeck witnessed a list of possessions belonging to Rembrandt and Saskia in 1659 (Strauss, Rembrandt Documents, p. 443). He is likely to be related to Isaack van Beeck, also known to have been in contact with Rembrandt, cited the NOTES to R 2873 and R 26643.
Buyer ReligionOther relative by marriage, guardian or undetermined
Buyer OccupationManufacturer |a Dyer
Montias2 Record20619

Source Information  

ArchiveGemeentearchief Amsterdam
Call NumberWK 5073/954
TypeOrphan Chamber
Inventory Number579
Lot Number0047
Inventory Date1625/03/19
Owner NameHoeffslager, Hendrick