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Inv#.Lot | 605.0102 | |
Artist Name | JN | |
Authority Name | NAGEL, JAN | |
Qualifier | (probably) | |
Artist Active | Haarlem |a 1600-1616 | |
Verbatim Entry | no.13 1 uts [stuck] JN f 17: 5:-- | |
Title | [untitled] | |
Montias Subject | UNKNOWN SUBJECT | |
Object Type | painting | |
Value | 17.25 |t gulden | |
Buyer | Jan Ockersz. op de Gelderse Cay | |
Buyer Family | Ockersz., Jan (Adriaensz) | |
Buyer Notes | On 20 January 1611, Jan Adriaensz. Okker, painter, 25, living on the Nieuwe Dijck, assisted by his mother Neeltge Jans, was betrothed to Margriete Simons, 24, living on the N.Z. Achterburchwal, assisted by her mother Willeken Pietersdr. (DTB 666/266). Jan, Albert and Willem Ockers (of R 38448) were sons of the notary (and land surveyor) Adriaen Ockers, who invested 75 f. in the first subscription for V.O.C. shares (Van Dillen, Het oudste aandeelhoudersregister p. 186). On 22 July 1614, Albert Ariaensz. Ocker, assisted by his mother Neel Jans, together with Jan and Willem Adriaensz. Ocker, his brothers, admitted having hurt some one in Saerdam (NA 377, film 6409). On 13 November 1616, Jan Aerjaen Ockers and Grietje Sijmons had their daughter Grietjen baptized in the O.K. in the presence of Sara Willemsdr. and Albert Aeriaensz. (DTB 5/126). Albert Adriaensz. Ockers, the brother of Jan and Willem, was pachter (farmer) of the tax on peat in 1625. (Tax farming, as indicated below, seems to have been a family affair: both Willem and Jan also farmed or collected taxes on flour or beer) (Van Dillen, Bronnen tot de geschiedenis van het bedrijfsleven R.G.P. 78(1933), p. 577). On 8 January 1618, Jan Ockersz. and Griet Sijmons had their daughter Metertje baptized in the N.K. in the presence of Giertje Gerrits (DTB 39/445). On 4 April 1619, Jan Ockers and Grietje Sijmons had their daughter Neeltje baptized in the O.K. in the presence of Eduwaert Jansz. and Lijsbeth Bontels Evert (DTB 5/280). On April 1622, Jan Ockersz. was said to be pachter van de twee stuyvers op yder tonne biers (i.e. collector of the excise tax of two stuivers per ton of beer, an office that he had probably paid for, as his brother Willem had paid for the farming out of the tax on flour and on some consumables) (Van Dillen, op.cit. 78(1933), p. 446). Grietje Sijmons, wife of Jan Ockertsen, was buried on 14 December 1623 (DTB 1044/94). In 1631, Jan Ockersz., living on the Nieuwen Dijck, paid a tax of 50 f. (Kohier, fol. 25v, p. 7). On 12 October 1634, Jan Adriaensz. Ocker apprenticed his son Adriaen Jansz., 14 years old, to the goldsmith Willem Jansz. Kalkoen for four years. He paid no apprenticeship money but undertook to pay the goldsmith 200 f. if his son ran away before the end of his apprenticeship. On 9 May 1645, Adriaen Jansz. Ocker, from Amsterdam, 23, and Theodore Lints, from Antwerp, 22, testified about the enlistment of a soldier (Bredius in Oud Holland 48(1931), p.186). On 18 November 1656, Adriaen Ockertse, painter, 35, assisted by Jan Hilbrantse, living on the Keysersgracht, was betrothed to Cornelia Ockerts, from Amsterdam, 30, assisted by her mother Marritge Martens. Cornelia Ockerts, the daughter of Willem Adriaensz. Ockert, cited above, was Adriaen Ockerts's cousin. On 2 December 1656, the marriage contract was signed. Adriaen Jansz. contributed one sixth of a house on the O.Z. Voorburgwal, named the Klaverblad and 1,000 f. in paintings and other goods (ibid.). Adriaen Jansz. Ocker was the future Italianate painter, who at some point reverted to his father's calling (Van Dillen, Bronnen tot de geschiedenis van het bedrijfsleven R.G.P. 144(1974), p. 66). He apparently live in London in 1668 (Bredius, loc. cit.) Earlier that year (1 January), he drew up the inventory of Marritge Martens, the widow of his uncle Willem Ockers (ibid.) Jan Ockersz. must not be confused with Jan Ockers, the son of the cloth merchant Ocker Jansz. and of Aeltgen Goverts, born about 1597, who was portrayed by Rembrandt in The Nightwatch (WK 5073/789, fol. 185vo.) One or the other was buried on 15 August 1648 in the O.K. (DTB 1046/85vo). In any case, the one who was buried was not the cloth merchant Jan Ockersz., living on the Nieuwen Dijck, who was still alive on 8 August 1651, when Dirck Gerrits Geelhant, cloth dyer, 66, and Jacob Dircs Geelhant, 27, likewise cloth dyer, made a deposition at the request of the headmen of the cloth trade that involved Jan Ockersz. (Van Dillen, op.cit. p. 581). Jan Ockers, who was buried in August 1648, was probably our buyer. | |
Buyer Occupation | Artis |a Painter | |
Montias2 Record | 21340 | |
Source Information (View Inventory) | ||
Archive | Gemeentearchief Amsterdam | |
Call Number | WK 5073/944 | |
Type | Orphan Chamber | |
Inventory Number | 605 | |
Lot Number | 0102 | |
Inventory Date | 1612/08/28 | |
Owner Name | Rauwart, Claes | |
Purpose | auction |