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Inv#.Lot | 605.0249 | |
Artist Name | Nagel | |
Authority Name | NAGEL, JAN | |
Artist Active | Haarlem |a 1600-1616 | |
Verbatim Entry | let[ter] A Nagel f 8: 5:-- | |
Title | [untitled] | |
Montias Subject | UNKNOWN SUBJECT | |
Object Type | painting | |
Value | 8.25 |t gulden | |
Buyer | Abraham Sadelaer | |
Buyer Family | Sadelaer, Abraham (I) | |
Buyer Notes | On 16 March 1613, Abraham Sadelaer, from Eemden, 26, living in the Warmoesstraet, was betrothed to Madelena Taispiels, 22, also from Eemden (DTB 417/52). On 17 January 1625, the widow of Anthony Gaillaert de oude (INVNO 662) sold Abraham Sadelaer a house in Vlooienburch on the Langehoutstraet, named de graeuwen hoet, for 4,850 f. The sureties were Willem Jansz. Stam, book dealer, of R 38481, and Daniel Gujot (Guillot), of R 25277 (WK 5073/913). An accounting for the estate of Anthony Gaillart dated 5 July 1624 showed that Abraham Sadelaer had already paid 2,600 f. for the house de Swan. Sadelaer must have died in early 1625, considering that an accounting for the estate of Anthony Gaillart, apparently dated January 1625, showed that 800 f. had come from the estate ('t sterfhuys) of Abraham Sadelaer (WK 5073/1192). On 31 July 1620, Abraham de Sadelaer, merchant, appeared before the Orphan Chamber to present his two children, Abraham, 6 years old, and Gillis, 2, whose late mother was Magdalena Tayspil. The children were entitled to 12,000 f. for their mother's inheritance. Hans van de Putte, was said to be a relative of the children (WK 5073/789), He was in fact the husband of Saerken Sadelaer, the sister of Abraham de Sadelaer and the daughter of Gillis de Sadelaer (I) (betrothal, 11 May 1618, DTB 417/123 and act of 11 October 1636, NA 596, Not. Lambert Lamberti). He was a merchant and sold hats at retail (hoedenkramer) and seems to have also traded in muskets (Van Dillen, Bronnen tot de geschiedenis van het bedrijfsleven R.G.P., 78(1933), p. 694). He was born in Antwerp about 1591 (according to the above act of betrothal) and was first noted in Amsterdam in 1609 (Gelderblom, Zuid-Nederlandse kooplieden, p. 312). The heirs of Abraham Sadelaer I, living in the Warmoesstraet, paid a tax of 125 f. in 1631 (Kohier, fol. 129, p. 30). On 16 April 1642, Gillis de Sadelaer (II), son and heir of Abraham de Sadelaer (I), sold a house in the Warmoesstraat to Hans van der Putt(e) cited above) for 6,000 f. Abraham Pietersz. de Sadelaer was surety (Kam, Waar was dat huis in de Warmoesstraat?, 1968 37/11, p. 406). In February 1645, Gillis de Sadelaer (II) signed the petition calling for the enforcement of currency regulations issued in 1622 (Van Dillen, Wisselbanken 59(1625), p. 89). Abraham Pietersz. de Sadelaer, who is presumed to have been the nephew of the buyer, married Apollonia Selijns I, the daughter of Jan Jansz. Selijns on 8 February 1639. On the Selijns family, see the TEXT of R 857 (INVNO 956) of Montias1. Their son Gillis (III) was baptized in the O.K. on 22 January 1645 in the presence of Gillis Taijspil and Josijna de Sadelaer (DTB 8/40). Gillis Taijspil, who was surely related to Magdalena Taijspil, was probably the second of that name. His father Gillis Taijspil I was a merchant, born in Antwerp, who was first noted in Amsterdam in 1585. Gillis Taijspil II, who was probably also a merchant, was first noted in Amsterdam in 1608 (Gelderblom, op. cit. p. 315). The other son of Abraham Pietersz. de Sadelaer, also named Abraham (II), became a predikant in Beemster. Francoijs Tayspil was married to Agnieta Seulijns and Jacques Boursse I to Catharina Seulijns (see the NOTES to R 20074). Francois Tayspel (or Tayspe), along with a number of Amsterdam cloth dealers, including Jan Tayspe(l), signed a petition to the Vroedschap concerning certain prohibitions on the import of English clot (Van Dillen, Bronnen tot de geschiedenis van het bedrijfsleven R.G.P. 144(1974), p. 737). Finally, Gillis de Sadelaer IV, the son of Gillis de Sadelaer (II?) and of Josina [...], was baptized in the O.K. on 25 May 1651, in the presence of Jan Selyns II (cited in R 34387) (Oud Holland 3(1885), p.312). | |
Buyer Religion | Anabaptist/Mennonite | |
Buyer Occupation | Retail merchant |a Clothes | |
Montias2 Record | 21507 | |
Source Information (View Inventory) | ||
Archive | Gemeentearchief Amsterdam | |
Call Number | WK 5073/944 | |
Type | Orphan Chamber | |
Inventory Number | 605 | |
Lot Number | 0249 | |
Inventory Date | 1612/08/28 | |
Owner Name | Rauwart, Claes | |
Purpose | auction |