Artist NameLasman
Artist ActiveAmsterdam |a 1609-1633
Verbatim Entry1 stuckge van Lasman van David en Uriam f 26:10:--
TitleDavid en Uriam
Montias SubjectOLD TESTAMENT
Object Typepainting
Value26.5 |t gulden
BuyerJeltge Claes de peet
Buyer FamilyClaes, Jeltge, de peet
Buyer NotesThe buyer, Jeltge Claes, was probably the sister of Elbert Symonsz. Pool's first wife Lutje Claes. She seems to have been the godmother of one of his children (this could not be confirmed from existing DTB files). She was first married to Claes Jacobsz., the son of Jacob Gerritsz. Oud and of Tryn Claes (see R 36618). On 13 April 1596, Klaes Jacobsz., seilenmacker, 24, living on the Nieuwen Dijck, assisted by his father Jacob Gerritsz. Oud and his mother Trijn Claes, was betrothed to Jeltje Claes, 23, assisted by her parents Claes Fockertsz. and Rink Thomasdr. (DTB 407/369). After the death of Tryn Claes, widow of Jacob Gerritsz. Out, an innventory was taken of her possessions. Its only works of art were two little paintings (unassessed) (NA 481, Not. Palm Matthijs). After the death of Claes Jacobsz., Jeltge Claes remarried with Cornelis IJbesz, varentgesel (DTB 665/430).
Buyer ReligionBaptisam (godfather, godmother)
Present LocationEither Lastman's David and Uriah in the Detroit Art Institue (signed and dated 1611) or Lastman's painting of this same subject in the Mauritshuis (signed and dated 1619). The first measures 51 by 61 cms., the second, 41.5 by 62.5 cms. No other versions are known.
Montias2 Record25469

Source Information  

ArchiveGemeentearchief Amsterdam
Call NumberWK 5073/948
TypeOrphan Chamber
Inventory Number644
Lot Number0009
Inventory Date1620/12/04
Owner NamePool, Elbert Symonsz.