Artist NameLucas
Artist ActiveLeiden |a 1513-1543
Verbatim Entry7 dito [printen van Lucas] f 2:16:--
Object Typeprint
Value0.4 |t gulden
BuyerAbraham Alewijn
Buyer FamilyAlewijn, Abraham
Buyer NotesThe buyer, born 11 December 1607 and died 26 November 1679, was a cloth merchant in the firm Abraham Alewijn and Jacob Theunisz. and a dealer in East Indian goods. Both Alewijn and Jacob Theunisz. were Mennonites, as was his father Dirck Alewijn (1571-1637). Jacob Theunisz. was the father of Aechtje Theunisdr. , who married the painter Lambert Jacobsz. and the grandfather of the painter Abraham van der Tempel (Wijnman, Uit de kring van Rembrandt en Vondel, 1959, p. 45). Abraham Alewijn's mother, Maria Schurman (1575-1621) was Dirck Alewijn's first wife. Dirck Alewijn subscribed for 10,800 f. in the insurance contract issued by the V.O.C. in 1613 (Van Dillen, Het oudste aandeelhoudersregister, p. 81). Abraham was the brother of Frederick Alewijn of INVNO 400. On 22 January 1630, Abraham and Frederick Alewyn, together with Dirck Alewyn and his wife, were invited to the wedding of Bernard de Moor and Clara van Capelle (Nederlandse Leeuw 44(1926), p. 10). On 30 April 1630 Abraham Alewijn bought a house,De Vergulden Pauw, in de Warmoesstraet for 18,000 f. In 1641, he was living on Herengracht 174 (I. van Eeghen in Maandblad Amstelodamum 1985, p. 69). In 1674, his wealth for tax purposes was estimated at 400,000 f. He was a regent of the Burgerweeshuis since at least 1636 (Wagenaar, Amsterdam, vol. 2, p. 285). He was portrayed, along with 5 other regents of the Weeshuis, by Jurgen Ovens in 1663 (Blankert, Amsterdams Historisch Museum, p. 236). He married Geertruid Hoffman (1609-1658), the daughter of Martin Harmensz. Hooftman (1583-1628) and of Angnes van Collen on 10 December 1630 (Elias, Vroedschap, p. 501). She was not yet married to Abraham Alewijn on 22 January 1630 when, living in 't Blauwe Schaep, she was invited to the marriage of Bernard de Moor. In 1644, Abraham Alewijn, with a number of other cloth merchants, including the afore-said Bernard de Moor, signed a petition calling for regulation of the value of the gulden (in the face of confusion about its value) (Van Dillen, Bronnen tot de geschiedenis van het bedrijfsleven R.G.P. 144(1974), p. 431-2). It is not known whether 't Blaue Schaep was located on the Rockin, on the Uytterse steech, or in a third location (see the NOTES to R 29447). Abraham Alewijn was a master of the Nieuwe Kerck in 1664 (Wagenaar, op. cit. p. 118). After his father's death, Abraham Alewijn received from his estate a Diana by Ludovicus Finsonius and a Banquet of the Gods by Frans Floris. The poet Jan Vos praised the works of art in the zaal of Alewijn's house (J. van der Veen, Het netwerk van verzamelaars rondom Rembrandt in Rembrandts schatkamer, Exh. Cat. Rembrandthuis, Amsterdam, 1999, p. 141.) Abraham Alewijn II, the post-mortem inventory of whose widow Elisabeth Reynst was taken in 1712 (cited in Bredius, Künstler-inventare, p. 220), was his son. He was baptized on 27 January 1639 and and was buried on 10 October 1678 (Elias, Vroedschap, p. 501). The sister of Geertruyd Hooftman, named Anna, married Jean Fontaine (of R 8357) on 5 April 1633.
Buyer OccupationMerchant (largescale) |a Cloth, silk
Montias2 Record25547

Source Information  

ArchiveGemeentearchief Amsterdam
Call NumberWK 5073/962
TypeOrphan Chamber
Inventory Number305
Lot Number0029[a]
Inventory Date1638/02/09
Owner NameSpranger, Gommer
Purposeauction sale