Artist NameDirck Barendsz.
Authority NameBARENDSZ., DIRCK
Artist ActiveVenice |a 1555
Verbatim Entryno.3 banquet Dirck Barendsz. f 205:--:--
Montias SubjectSTILL LIFE
Object Typepainting
Value205.0 |t gulden
BuyerCharles Coorne
Buyer FamilyCoorne (Cooren), Charles (Gillisz.)
Buyer NotesOn the buyer and on the family Morimont with which Charles Cooren was linked by marriage, see R 583 of INVNO 683, dated 6 June 1617, the death inventory of Charles Cooren. He was betrothed to Anna van Morimont on 22 August 1598 when he was 32. He came from Gent. Her sisters, who assisted her on this occasion, were named Maria and Lysbeth (DTB 408/381). Anna van Morimont was a witness to the baptism of Abraham, son of the painter Abraham Vinck of R 29545, on 30 May 1610. Charles Gillisz. Cooren invested 900 f. in the first subscription to V.O.C. shares (Van Dillen, Het oudste aandeelhoudersregister, p. 189). He was the older brother of Samuel Gillisz. Cooren (Koren) of R 24944.
Buyer OccupationMerchant (largescale)
Montias2 Record27489

Source Information  

ArchiveGemeentearchief Amsterdam
Call NumberWK 5073/946
TypeOrphan Chamber
Inventory Number687
Lot Number0017
Inventory Date1614/04/07
Owner NameVoort, Cornelis van der