Artist Name[anonymous]
Authority NameANONYMOUS]
Verbatim Entry1 bort van Johannes Evangelist f 8:10:--
TitleJohannes Evangelist
Montias SubjectNEW TESTAMENT
Object Typepainting
Value8.5 |t gulden
BuyerJacob Gerritsz. Haring
Buyer FamilyHaring, Jacob Gerritsz.
Buyer NotesThe buyer was probably the father of the bode of the Orphan Chamber who organized this sale. He assisted his son on the occasion of his betrothal to Lijsbet Pieters in 1601 (R 27290.) On 20 June 1605, Duijff Amen, widow of Gerrit Jacobsz. Harinck, revoked her earlier testament. She willed that her son Jacob Gerritsz. should only be entitled to his legitimate share of the estate, given what he had already received from her. She names the children of Jacob Gerritsz. her universal heirs, including the oldest, named Gerrit Jacobsz., living on the O.Z. Achterburchwal. Jacob must be onderhouden by his children (NA 12, fol. 84, Not. S.Henrix, Extracten.) On 11 February 1636, Jacob Gerritsz., perceleyn vercoper, gave a procuration to Gerrit Jacobsz. affslager (auctioneer) (his presumed son) (NA 949, film 1171, Not. Benedict Baddel).
Buyer OccupationRetail merchant |a Faience, porcelain
Montias2 Record36635

Source Information  

ArchiveGemeentearchief Amsterdam
Call NumberWK 5073/945
TypeOrphan Chamber
Inventory Number901
Lot Number0011
Inventory Date1612/10/27
Owner NameHuygens, Ael