Artist NameHolbeen
Authority NameHOLBEIN, HANS (II)
Artist ActiveBasel |a 1525-1526
Verbatim Entryno.19 Kayser Karel van Holbeen
TitleKayser Karel
Object Typepainting
Value50 |t T D 20
Buyer NotesT denotes the assessment of Tullekens, D that of Van Dans and mijn man zaliger, presumed to be Eberhart Klenck.
Montias2 Record4530

Source Information  

ArchiveGemeentearchief Amsterdam
Call Number1649
Inventory Number205
Lot Number0019
Inventory Date1649/03/08
Owner NameTullekens, Josias
PurposeSale by Josias Tullekens to Dirck van Dans and Geertruyt Fensels of two lots of 17 paintings each, the lots to be divided by chance between the two buyers, with the exception of the Jordaens which shall remain their common property; each buyer will pay Tullekens 1500 f. for his or her 17 paintings plus 800 f. for his or her share of the Jordaens.