Inv#.Lot | 1180.0008 |
Artist Name | Frans Florissen |
Authority Name | FLORIS, FRANS (I) |
Artist Active | Antwerp |a 1540-1570 | Verbatim Entry | noch een graeutgen ditto [schildery] van Frans Florissen, principael |
Title | [untitled] |
Montias Subject | UNKNOWN SUBJECT |
Object Type | grisaille |
Montias2 Record | 47498 |
Source Information
Archive Location | Gemeentearchief Amsterdam | Call Number | NA 661, fol. 131vo, 132 |
Type | Notarial |
Inventory Number | 1180 | Lot Number | 0008 | Inventory Date | 1627/03/26 |
Owner Name | Oelenburch (Uylenburgh), Hendrick van |
Purpose | Goods pledged as collateral to Jan van den Wouwer who had constituted himself surety for a loan of 500 francken florien at 42 grooten. |