The Montias Database of 17th Century Dutch Art Inventories
[anonymous] |
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Inventory # | 1001 | |
Archive | Gemeentearchief Amsterdam | |
Call Number | WK 5073/966 | |
Date | 1609/04/09 | |
City | Amsterdam | |
Country | Nederland | |
Type | Orphan Chamber | |
Purpose | auction | |
Family Name | [anonymous] | |
Owner Name | [anonymous] | |
Owner Notes | goods sold at request of Sacharias Heyn | |
Residence | Op de Doelen in Amsterdam | |
Introduction | Den selven dage [9 april 1609] ten versoeck van Sacharias Heyn vercoft de naevolgende goederen. | |
Commentary | Sacharias (or, more commonly, Zacharias) Heyn(s), the son of Mr. Pieter Heyns, was an important poet and book seller, who later became a printer. He was born in Antwerp 1570 and reached Amsterdam shortly before the date of the following document. On 15 July 1595, Jacques Heyns, 23, assisted by his brother Zacharias Heyns, showing the consent of his father Mr. Pieter Heyns, was betrothed to Anneken Smijters, from Antwerp, 23, assisted by her parents Mr. Anthony Smijters (of R 29995) and Margareta Kremers (De Navorscher 8(1858), p. 319). (Note that when Anthony Smijters remarried in 1600 he was said to be the widower of Margrietje Marchere). On 30 March 1624, his daughter Catharina, was betrothed to Johannes Willemsz. Bartjens (jonge Bartjens). At some date, Zacharias Heyns left Amsterdam for Zwolle where he died before 1637. He remarried after the death of his first wife with Anneken Hureau. On 10 December 1637, Anneken Hureau, widow of Zacharias Heyns, assisted by her stepson Joannes Bastiaens, transferred an obligation to the merchant Carel van Goetsen (or Goethens) (NA 992, film 1221, fol. 24) | |
Notary | Gerrit Jacobsz. | |
Total Value | 1125 |d 4 st. (mainly books) | |
Art Value | 8 |d 12 st. | |
# of Items | 31 | |
Montias1 # | 901 |
Prev Record 1 - 7 of 7 Next
Lot | Type | Artist | Title | Subject | Verbatim Entry |
0001[a] | illuminated print(s) | [ANONYMOUS] | le miroir du monde | ALLEGORY |
6 le miroir du monde afgezet f 5:12:--
0001[b] | illuminated print | [ANONYMOUS] | miroir du monde | ALLEGORY |
6 miroir du monde afgezet f 5:12:--
0001[c] | illuminated print | [ANONYMOUS] | miroir du monde | ALLEGORY |
6 miroir du monde afgezet f 5:12:--
0001[d] | illuminated print | [ANONYMOUS] | miroir du monde | ALLEGORY |
6 miroir du monde afgezet f 5:12:--
0001[e] | illuminated print | [ANONYMOUS] | miroir du monde | ALLEGORY |
6 miroir du monde afgezet f 5:12:--
0001[f] | illuminated print | [ANONYMOUS] | miroir du monde | ALLEGORY |
6 miroir du monde afgezet f 5:12:--
0002 | perhaps a liasse of unbound prints | [ANONYMOUS] | Sibillen | MYTHOLOGY |
25 Sibillen ongebonden f 3:--:--
Prev Record 1 - 7 of 7 Next