The Montias Database of 17th Century Dutch Art Inventories
Steur, Jan |
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Inventory # | 1116 | |
Call Number | DBK 5072/357, fol.76 | |
Date | 1652/02/16 | |
City | Amsterdam | |
Country | Nederland | |
Type | Desolate Boedelkamer | |
Purpose | Insolvent inventory drawn up at request of creditors | |
Family Name | Steur | |
Owner Name | Steur, Jan | |
Life Dates | 1613 |d aft. 1671 | |
Occupation | Services |a Insurer; Merchant (largescale); Regent | |
Residence | Op de Keysersgracht in de 3 Steuren in Amsterdam | |
Introduction | Inventaris van de meublen ende huysraet bevonden in den boedel van Jan Steur. Postscript: Op huyden den 16e february (1652) heeft Emont Rosch de jonge (signs Emont Ros) hem by dees onder renunciatie van benefficien ... gestelt cautionaris ende borge van de meublen etc.. Actum in Amsterdam presentibus de heeren Nicolaes van Loon, Dr. Pellegrom ten Grootenhuys ende Jacob Roch, commissarissen (of the DBK). | |
Commentary | In 1631, Jan Steur, living on the Keysersgracht, paid a tax of 50 f. (Kohier, fol. 93vo, p. 22). Johan Steur was one of the Regenten of the N.Z. Huiszitten-aalmoezeniershuis who was portrayed by Jacob A. Backer in a group portrait in 1651 (thus not long before he went bankrupt) (Blankert, Amsterdams Historisch Museum, p. 21.) In March 1636, Jan Steur and a number of other Amsterdam merchants participated in an insurance pool to insure ships (NA 948, film 1171, Not. Benedict Baddel). He was one of the supervisors of the inventory of Laurens Schein of INVNO 1136 of 1632. On 19 July 1632, the church wardens of Monster acknowledged receipt from Joan Steur, as heir of Sijmon IJsaecx van de Graft, of the sum of 175 f., capital sum corresponding to a rent of f. 10: 8:12 per year (RA Monster 140 #185, kindly communicated to me by Gerard Eedenburg, as are the following documents, which clearly refer to the owner of the present inventory). On 28 March 1637, Cornelis Bartels Veris (sworn broker cited in the NOTES to R 25250), armed with a procuration issued by Jacomina van Wijngaerden, widow of jonckheer Henrick van Tuijl van Gerooskercke, sold to Johan Steur a little over 3 morgen of land, next to some land already belonging to Steur in the ambacht of Monster, for 3,804 f. 13 st. 11 pen. (RA Monster 25 # 4929, fol. 67v.) On 24 May 1638, Everaert Bleijswijck, 50, and Jan Steur, 25, merchant living in Amsterdam, declared that they were co-freighters of a ship which had sailed from Maas to Bordeaux, there to be loaded at the direction of Adriaen van Bleijswijck, Everard's son (RA Monster 103 # 385). Everhard and Adriaen van Bleiwijck belonged to one of Delft's regent families. On 10 May 1645, Sr. Johan Steur, merchant in Delft, presently on his hofstede in Monster Ambacht, authorized his son Pauwels Steur to appear in his name before the Wisselbank in Amsterdam. Everaerd van Bleijwijck was a witness (Monster ONA 6037 # 992). It was probably as a consequence of his insolvency in 1652 that, on 18 October 1661, Adriaen Copmeijer, attorney, with a procuration from Jacob Claesz. Heijman, director of the V.O.C. kamer in Zeeland, one of the creditors of Jan Steur, transferred to the receiver (of taxes) of the town of Breda a domain with a little over 32 morgen, including a house, barn, and orchard (which had belonged to Steur) (RA Monster 27 # 5753 fol. 140). | |
# of Items | 49 | |
Montias1 # | 1015 |
Lot | Type | Artist | Title | Subject | Verbatim Entry |
0022 | painting | [ANONYMOUS] | fruytagie | STILL LIFE |
een schilderytje van fruytagie
0023 | painting | [ANONYMOUS] | fruytagie | STILL LIFE |
een schilderij van fruytagie met een swarte ende vergulde lyst
0024 | painting | [ANONYMOUS] | geberchte | LANDSCAPE |
een schilderijtje van geberchte met een swarte lyst
0025[a] | painting | [ANONYMOUS] | contrefeytseltje van de soon van Jan Stuer | PORTRAITS -- KNOWN PERSONS |
2 clene contrefeytseltjes vande soonen van Jan Steur
0025[b] | painting | [ANONYMOUS] | contrefeytseltje van de soon van Jan Stuer | PORTRAITS -- KNOWN PERSONS |
2 clene contrefeytseltjes vande soonen van Jan Steur
0026 | painting | [ANONYMOUS] | lantschapje daerin eenige schaepjens | LANDSCAPE |
1 lantschapje daerin eenge schaepjens met een swarte ende vergulde lyst
0027[a] | painting | [ANONYMOUS] | lantschap | LANDSCAPE |
2 dito lantschappen
0027[b] | painting | [ANONYMOUS] | lantschap | LANDSCAPE |
2 dito lantschappen
0028 | painting | [ANONYMOUS] | lantschapje met een water daerin | LANDSCAPE |
een lantschapje met een water daerin met een swarte ende vergulde lyst
0029[a] | painting on or carving of alabaster | [ANONYMOUS] | [untitled] | UNKNOWN SUBJECT |
2 albasterde bortjens
0029[b] | painting on or carving of alabaster | [ANONYMOUS] | [untitled] | UNKNOWN SUBJECT |
2 albasterde bortjens
0030 | painting | [ANONYMOUS] | de opweckinge Laeseri | NEW TESTAMENT |
1 schilderij van de opweckinge Laeseri met een swarte ende vergulde lyst
0031 | painting | [ANONYMOUS] | lantschapje daerin een molen | LANDSCAPE |
een lantschapje daerin een molen met swarte lyst
0032[a] | painting | [ANONYMOUS] | zee | SHIPS, SEASCAPE |
2 zeestuckjes in achtkante swarte lysten
0032[b] | painting | [ANONYMOUS] | zee | SHIPS, SEASCAPE |
2 zeestuckjes in achtkante swarte lysten
0033[a] | painting | [ANONYMOUS] | contrefeytsel van Prins Hendrick | PORTRAITS -- POLITICAL |
2 contrefeytsels van Prins Hendrick ende de princesse
0033[b] | painting | [ANONYMOUS] | contrefeytsel van de princesse | PORTRAITS -- POLITICAL |
2 contrefeytsels van Prins Hendrick ende de princesse
0034[a] | painting | [ANONYMOUS] | contrefeytsel van een man | PORTRAITS -- UNKNOWN PERSONS |
3 oude contrefeytsels van twee mannen en een vrouw
0034[b] | painting | [ANONYMOUS] | contrefeytsel van een man | PORTRAITS -- UNKNOWN PERSONS |
3 oude contrefeytsels van twee mannen en een vrouw
0034[c] | painting | [ANONYMOUS] | contrefeytsel van een vrouw | PORTRAITS -- UNKNOWN PERSONS |
3 oude contrefeytsels van twee mannen en een vrouw
0035 | painting | [ANONYMOUS] | contrefeytsel van een vrouw | PORTRAITS -- UNKNOWN PERSONS |
1 cleen vrouwe contrefeytsel
0036[a] | painting on or carving of alabaster | [ANONYMOUS] | [untitled] | UNKNOWN SUBJECT |
3 albasterde bordekens
0036[b] | painting on or carving of alabaster | [ANONYMOUS] | [untitled] | UNKNOWN SUBJECT |
3 albasterde bordekens
0036[c] | painting on or carving of alabaster | [ANONYMOUS] | [untitled] | UNKNOWN SUBJECT |
3 albasterde bordekens