Introduction | Inventaris van alle de goederen ende effecten van wijlen Eduard Pitavin in sijn leven maeckelaer binnen dese stadt. Soo ende sulx die by hem metter doodt ontruijmt ende nagelaten, mitsgaders in sijn sterfhuijs bevonden zijn. Gemaeckt op't versoeck van Srs. Philips Maijer ende Hendrick van Meijert, als bijde weesmeesteren deser stede, gestelde ende geordonneerde vooghden over de kinderen van Eduart Pitaven voornoemt ende zijn overleden huysvrouw Maria Kieft ende administrateurs over der selver goederen, indier qualite erffgenamen onder benificie van inventaris vanden voors. Pitavin breder vermogens d'mandemente daer van zijnde in dato den xxxen September lestleden .... Alle welcke goederen bij Lijsbeth Martens ende Commerijntje Cornelis beyde geswooren schatsers binnen deser stede, getaxeert ende gepriseert zijn. Postscript: Aldus gedaen binnen Amstelredamme ter presentie van Jacob Pondt mede notaris ende Jan de Waell inwoonders deser stede als getuijgen ... den xiiii-en October xvi C sessenvijftich. |
Commentary | Eduard Pitavin, the son Sebastien Pitavin and of Beatris Borremans, was baptized in the F.K. on 14 February 1616 (DTB 132/22). He was (correctly) said to be 20 years old on 9 August 1636, and to be the former dienaer (servant, employee) of Daniel and Jan Barnaerts, merchants, of R 32161 of Montias2 (NA 695A, film 4821, Not. J. Warnaerts). On 5 December 1643, Eduard Pittavin, from Amsterdam, broker, 27 years old, assisted by his father Bastiaen Pittavin, living on the Herregracht, was betrothed to Maria Kieff, assisted by her father Dirck Kieff, living on the Nieuwe Dijck (DTB 460/135). Bastiaen Pitavin, the father of Eduard, is identical with Sebastian Pitavin of INVNO 552, who died on 2 May 1649. Dirck Kieff, the father of Maria Kieff, was married to Ann Botton. His death inventory was taken on 3 October 1656, the day before the present inventory. A portrait of Dirck Kieff in this inventory, painted by Isaack (?) Luchtichuysen, was said to belong to the children of (Eduard) Pitavin. Another portrait of Dirck Kieff was said to be by (Adam ?) Camerarius (NA 1915, Not. Uyttenbogaert). The first of Eduard Pitavin's inventories, without prices, is dated 14 September 1656; the second, dated 4 October 1656, contains prices, which may have been the results of an auction sale of the collector's possessions. The inventory in Montias2 comprises information from both inventories. The religion of Pitavin is inferred from his books which include: Historie Triglandius contra Uyttenbogaert, Institutio Calvini etc.. |