The Montias Database of 17th Century Dutch Art Inventories


Banchem, Frederick van

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Inventory #4290
ArchiveGemeentearchief Amsterdam
Call NumberNA 1857
Purposedeath inventory
Family NameBanchem
Owner NameBanchem, Frederick van
Owner Notesand his widow Maria Cornelis
Life Dates? |d 1647/10/23 |n Banchem; 1588 |d 1660/10/24 |n
Marriage Date1617/10/31
OccupationServices |a Notary
Residenceaen't N.Z. Kerkhof in Amsterdam in de Vergulden Schael in Amsterdam
Religionprobably Reformed
IntroductionProbably an inventory of the goods owned in common by Frederick van Banchem and his wife Maria Cornelis.
CommentaryOn 31 October 1617, Frederick van Banchem, son of Mathias van Banchem and of Lijsbeth Fredericks, widower of Eland Geldorp, married Maria Cornelis, the daughter of Cornelis Luytsz., cheese merchant, and of IJtge Meynerts van Duynen, Frederick van Banchem, notary, lived in de Vergulde Schael on the N.Z. Kerckhoff. Frederick van Banchem died on 23 October 1647, Maria Cornelis on 24 October 1660 (Elias, Vroedschap, p. 698).
NotaryN. Kruijs
Total Value1470 |d
Art Value140 |d 5 stuivers
# of Items36
Montias1 #330
First  Record 26 - 36 of 36 Next 
Lot Type Artist Title Subject Verbatim Entry
0020[a] [ANONYMOUS] drie princen 3 f.
0020[b] [ANONYMOUS] drie princen 3 f.
0020[c] [ANONYMOUS] drie princen 3 f.
0021 [ANONYMOUS] een visserytje
0022 [ANONYMOUS] een lantschap
0023 [ANONYMOUS] een lantschap
0024 [ANONYMOUS] een fruijt mandje
0025 [ANONYMOUS] de geboorte
0026[a] [ANONYMOUS] een schildery met twee alabaster borts 10 st.
0026[b] [ANONYMOUS] een schildery met twee alabaster borts
0026[c] [ANONYMOUS] een schildery met twee alabaster borts
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