The Montias Database of 17th Century Dutch Art Inventories
Surck Jaspersz., Antonio van |
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Inventory # | 541 | |
Archive | Gemeentearchief Amsterdam | |
Call Number | 199, film nr. 111 | |
Date | 1620/02/15 | |
City | Amsterdam | |
Country | Nederland | |
Type | Notarial | |
Purpose | death inventory | |
Family Name | Surck | |
Owner Name | Surck Jaspersz., Antonio van | |
Life Dates | 1576 |d 1619/02/16 | |
Marriage Date | 1617/10/07 | |
Type of Ceremony | Pui | |
Residence | Amsterdam | |
Introduction | Inventaris van de meublen ende goederen bevonden int sterffhuys van wijlen Ant[oni]o van Surck Jaspersz. ... Postscript: Aldus geinventariseert ende beschreven ten versoecke van d' eerbare Jaquelina Boudewijns weduwe van Anthony van Surck Jaspersz. sal. gedachten ten overstaen ende met kennisse van d'eerbare Juffrouwen Susanna van Surck weduwe van wijlen Aernout Hellemans suster van de voorn. Sr. Anthonij van Surck, Margrieta Thibaut huijsvrouwe van S[eigneu]r Guillielmo Bartolotti, Maria Sickenga huysvrouwe van S[eigneu]r Hendrick Thibaut ende Susanna van Hove, huysvrouw van S[eigneu]r Adriaen Thibaut, schoonsusters van den voorn. van Surck, Bij mij Jan Fransz. Bruijningh ... ter presentie van Daniel Otten ende Leonaert Houtman getuijgen hiertoe versocht. Actum desen veertien ende vijffthiende Februarij xvi C ende twentich. | |
Commentary | The merchant Antonio Jaspersz. van Surck was born in 1576-77 in Antwerp (Gelderblom, Zuid-Nederlandse kooplieden, p. 315). He was the son of Jaspar van Surck or Zuerck, who was the brother of Anna van Zuerck, whose death inventory was taken in Antwerp on 23 February 1613. At that time his grandfather, Joost van Zuerck I, was still alive (Duverger,Antwerpse inventarissen 1(1984), pp. 286-7). Antonio Jaspersz. was buried on 16 February 1619. He was the brother of Susanna van Surck (Zurich) of INVNO 1141, who was married to Aernout Hellemans. He was married, first, to Maria Thibaut, daughter of Hendrick Thibaut I and Margriet van Nispen (II) (see below). After the death of Maria Thibaut, he was betrothed to Jacqueline Boudewijns from Berlecum on 7 October 1617. Jacqueline Boudewijns survived him (see above INTRO). Hendrick Thibaut I, born in Ieper (Ypres), merchant, spent some time in Middelburg and was noted in Amsterdam from 1612 on. He married Margaretha van Nispen (II), born in Dordrecht, before 1570 (Gelderblom, loc. cit. and Nederlandsche Leeuw 100(1983), col. 243). Margriet van Nispen II may have been a daughter of Margriet van Nispen I (c.1545-1598), married to Gillis Hooftman (1521-1581) (see Wijnroks, Handel tussen Rusland en de Nederlanden 1560-1640, p. 182, where the portrait of the couple by Marten de Vos is reproduced). The daughter of Gillis Hooftman, named Johanna Hooftman, married Antonio Ancelmo (Anselmo) (1536-1611), the ancestor of several distinguised Amsterdam citizens. Gillis Hooftman and his son-in-law Antonio Anselmo together freighted a ship to the White Sea in 1577. Both were active in trade with Russia (Wijnroks, op. cit. p.167) Margriet van Nispen was the cousin of Anna van Nispen, the wife of Adriaen Andriessen I (cited in the NOTES to R 29301 of Montias2). Maria Thibaut was the sister of the fencing master Gerard Thibaut, who, while he was in Spain, gave Antonio van Surck a procuration to act on his behalf between 1605 and 1610 (Jaarboek Amstelodamum 69(1977), p. 28). In 1608, he joined a number of Amsterdam merchants in a petition to the burgomasters of Amsterdam requesting the revocation of a prohibition on the use of cashiers to effect money transfers (Van Dillen, Wisselbanken, R.P.G., 59(1925), p. 16). Adriaen Thibault (also cited in the postscript) was the younger brother of Gerard Thibault. He was married to Susanna van Hove. On 24 March 1620, Adriaen Thybaut informed the masters of the Orphan Chamber that the late Anthony van Surck Jaspersz. and his wife Maria Thibaut had named him and Johannes de Laet Jansz. of Leyden as guardians over their children in their testament (WK 5073/789). Hendrick Thibault II, cited in the INTRO, married Maria Sickenga on 17 February 1620 (Nederlandsche Leeuw 95(1978), col. 407). On 3 March 1621, Adriaen Tybaut, as uncle and guardian of the four children left by Anthony Jaspersz. van Zurck, merchant, namely, Anthoni, 14, Jasper, 10, Ferdinandus, 7, and Eduart, 5, whose mother was Maria Tybaut, brought to the Orphan Chamber an obligation of the VOC for 3,600 f. On 7 August 1629, Anthoni van Breen in the name of the widow of Anthony Tybaut (Jacqueline Boudewijns) brought in 9,125 f. 14 st. to the Orphan Chamber (WK 5073/789). On Anthoni van Breen, see the NOTES to R 20074 of Montias2. On 7 February 1630, Jacqueline Boudewijns, widow of Anthony Jaspersz. van Zurich, living on the Keysersgracht, was betrothed to Abraham du Bois, 39 (DTB 424/142). On 23 October 1635, the son of Antonio van Surck, also named Antonio (born in 1606), married Suzanna Thibaut (born in 1614), the daughter of Adriaen Thibault, his first cousin, and of Susanna van Hove. Two letters from Anthonie van Surck II to Constantijn Huygens, dated 17 August 1637 and 14 August 1640, testify to his friendship with the philosopher Rene Descartes (J.A. Worp, Briefwisseling van Constantijn Huygens, p. 274). A son named Emanuel van Surck was either from his first marriage with Maria Thibaut, in which case he was already of major age in 1621, or from his second marriage with Jacqueline Boudewijns (since all four children of minor age from his first wife Maria Thibaut are listed above) (see the TEXT to R 221 for a deposition of 2 September 1636). | |
Notary | J. F. Bruijningh | |
# of Items | 88 | |
Montias1 # | 447 |
Lot | Type | Artist | Title | Subject | Verbatim Entry |
0039 | painting | [ANONYMOUS] | conterfeytsel van Hendrick Thybaut | PORTRAITS -- KNOWN PERSONS |
noch een conterfeytsel van Hendrick Thybaut [In margin: Toecomende Thybaut]
0040 | painting | [ANONYMOUS] | conterfeytsel van de suster van S[eigneu]r Ant[oni]o van Surck | PORTRAITS -- KNOWN PERSONS |
het conterfeytsel van de suster van S[eigneu]r Ant[oni]o van Surck
0041[a] | painting | [ANONYMOUS] | conterfeytsel van S[eigneu]r Ant[oni]o van Surck | PORTRAITS -- KNOWN PERSONS |
noch twee groote conterfeytsels van S[eigneu]r Ant[oni]o van Surck ende syn overleden huysvrou
0041[b] | painting | [ANONYMOUS] | conterfeytsel van [S[eigneu]r Ant[oni]o van Surcks] overleden huysvrou | PORTRAITS -- KNOWN PERSONS |
noch twee groote conterfeytsels van S[eigneu]r Ant[oni]o van Surck ende syn overleden huysvrou
0042 | coat-of-arms | [ANONYMOUS] | wapen van Antonio Surck | WAPEN, COAT-OF-ARMS |
een wapen van S[eigneu]r Ant[oni]o van Surck
0043[a] | water color | [ANONYMOUS] | [untitled] | UNKNOWN SUBJECT |
drye slechte schilderye van water veruw
0043[b] | water color | [ANONYMOUS] | [untitled] | UNKNOWN SUBJECT |
drye slechte schilderye van water veruw
0043[c] | water color | [ANONYMOUS] | [untitled] | UNKNOWN SUBJECT |
drye slechte schilderye van water veruw
0044 | painting | [ANONYMOUS] | waterlants boerinnetje | GENRE |
noch een kleyn schilderye wesende een waterlants boerinnetje
0045[a] | [ANONYMOUS] | [untitled] | UNKNOWN SUBJECT |
noch acht en twintich gedructe borden van verscheijde sorten groot ende kleyn
0045[b] | [ANONYMOUS] | [untitled] | UNKNOWN SUBJECT |
noch acht en twintich gedructe borden van verscheijde sorten groot ende kleyn
0045[c] | [ANONYMOUS] | [untitled] | UNKNOWN SUBJECT |
noch acht en twintich gedructe borden van verscheijde sorten groot ende kleyn
0045[d] | [ANONYMOUS] | [untitled] | UNKNOWN SUBJECT |
noch acht en twintich gedructe borden van verscheijde sorten groot ende kleyn
0045[e] | [ANONYMOUS] | [untitled] | UNKNOWN SUBJECT |
noch acht en twintich gedructe borden van verscheijde sorten groot ende kleyn
0045[f] | [ANONYMOUS] | [untitled] | UNKNOWN SUBJECT |
noch acht en twintich gedructe borden van verscheijde sorten groot ende kleyn
0045[g] | [ANONYMOUS] | [untitled] | UNKNOWN SUBJECT |
noch acht en twintich gedructe borden van verscheijde sorten groot ende kleyn
0045[h] | [ANONYMOUS] | [untitled] | UNKNOWN SUBJECT |
noch acht en twintich gedructe borden van verscheijde sorten groot ende kleyn
0045[i] | [ANONYMOUS] | [untitled] | UNKNOWN SUBJECT |
noch acht en twintich gedructe borden van verscheijde sorten groot ende kleyn
0045[j] | [ANONYMOUS] | [untitled] | UNKNOWN SUBJECT |
noch acht en twintich gedructe borden van verscheijde sorten groot ende kleyn
0045[k] | [ANONYMOUS] | [untitled] | UNKNOWN SUBJECT |
noch acht en twintich gedructe borden van verscheijde sorten groot ende kleyn
0045[l] | [ANONYMOUS] | [untitled] | UNKNOWN SUBJECT |
noch acht en twintich gedructe borden van verscheijde sorten groot ende kleyn
0045[m] | [ANONYMOUS] | [untitled] | UNKNOWN SUBJECT |
noch acht en twintich gedructe borden van verscheijde sorten groot ende kleyn
0045[n] | [ANONYMOUS] | [untitled] | UNKNOWN SUBJECT |
noch acht en twintich gedructe borden van verscheijde sorten groot ende kleyn
0045[o] | [ANONYMOUS] | [untitled] | UNKNOWN SUBJECT |
noch acht en twintich gedructe borden van verscheijde sorten groot ende kleyn
0045[p] | [ANONYMOUS] | [untitled] | UNKNOWN SUBJECT |
noch acht en twintich gedructe borden van verscheijde sorten groot ende kleyn