The Montias Database of 17th Century Dutch Art Inventories
Moens, Aeltge |
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Inventory # | 608 | |
Archive | Gemeentearchief Amsterdam | |
Call Number | WK 5073/957 | |
Date | 1625/03/11 | |
City | Amsterdam | |
Country | Nederland | |
Type | Orphan Chamber | |
Purpose | auction | |
Family Name | Moens | |
Owner Name | Moens, Aeltge | |
Owner Notes | widow of Gabriel Janssen | |
Occupation | Craft |a Tailor, shoemaker, other clothing | |
Residence | Amsterdam | |
Introduction | Op den 11 marti 1625 zijn vercocht de achtergelaten goederen van Aeltge Moens, weduwe van Gabriel Jansz. te betalen etc... | |
Commentary | Jasper Jansz., who was one of the guardians of Pouwels Jansz. of INVNO 802, bought two lots for Gabriel Jansz., who may have been his brother, from the inventory of Pouwels Jansz. (R 31974 and R 31975). Gabriel Jansz. was a shoemaker. On 19 April 1614, Alkoy (Aeltge) Moens, widow of Gaborel (Gabriel) Jansz., born in Antwerp, passed her testament. She left 50 f. to the poor (schamele armen) and 10 st. (!) to Olmer Jans Pauwelszn. (perhaps the grandson of Pauwels Jansz. cited above). She named her daughter Lysbeth Jans as her universal heir (NA 206, fol. 41-44, Not. P. Bruijs, Extracten). This same Lysbeth (or Elisabeth) Jans was betrothed to the broker Anthony Claesz. I (of R 21180) on 25 February 1600. Anthony Claesz. I and Lysbeth Jans were the parents of the painter Anthonie Claesz. of R 34333 of Montias2. On 22 August 1619, Eduart Emtinck, 48, and Nicolaes Bicker, 26, made a declaration at the request of Nicolaes Hermansz., merchant in Middelburg. Emtinck declared that he had known Aeltge Moens, widow of Gabriel Jansz., for many years and that she had lent out money at interest to him, as appeared from the accounting done by Anthoni Claessen, her schoonsoon (cited above). But since Anthonij Claesz. was now insolvent, he had become a curator of his goods. Bicker declared that he had lived some time with Anthonij Claesz., whom he had served (perhaps as an apprentice merchant), and he could confirm the facts stated by Emtinck (NA 200, film 111). For more details on Anthony Claesz. I's bankruptcy, see R 21180 of Montias2. Eduard Emtinck was the brother of Jan Emtinck, wool merchant, whose wife Johanna Janssens died before 15 July 1614 when her death inventory was taken in Antwerp (Duverger, Antwerpse inventarissen 1(1984), p.314). The architect Hendrick de Keyser converted a shop into a home for Eduard Emtinck on the O.Z. Voorburgwal near the old St. Anthonijspoort in 1615 (Ann Adams, The Paintings of Thomas de Keyser, Ph.D. Dissertion, 1985, p. 38). Evert (Eduard) Emtingh paid a tax of 600 f. in 1631 (Kohier fol. 133vo, p.31). | |
Notary | Jan D. van Beuningen | |
Total Value | 421 |d 2 st. | |
Art Value | 20 |d 15 st. | |
# of Items | 5 | |
Montias1 # | 508 |
Prev Record 1 - 5 of 5 Next
Lot | Type | Artist | Title | Subject | Verbatim Entry |
0001 | painting | [ANONYMOUS] | 't vonnis van Paris | MYTHOLOGY |
1 schilderij van 't vonnis van Paris f 6:--:--
0002 | painting | [ANONYMOUS] | bancquet | STILL LIFE |
1 schilderij van bancquet f 7:--:--
0003 | painting | [ANONYMOUS] | de goden | MYTHOLOGY |
1 schilderij van de goden f 6:--:--
0004[a] | painting | [ANONYMOUS] | [untitled] | UNKNOWN SUBJECT |
2 schilderijtgens f 2:--:--
0004[b] | painting | [ANONYMOUS] | [untitled] | UNKNOWN SUBJECT |
2 schilderijtgens f 2:--:--
Prev Record 1 - 5 of 5 Next