The Montias Database of 17th Century Dutch Art Inventories
Spiers, Abraham |
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Inventory # | 611 | |
Call Number | NA 696A, film 4982 | |
Date | 1639/01/04 | |
City | Amsterdam | |
Country | Nederland | |
Type | Notarial | |
Purpose | death inventory drawn up at request of creditors | |
Family Name | Spiers | |
Owner Name | Spiers, Abraham | |
Life Dates | ? |d 1638 | |
Occupation | Merchant (largescale) |a Cloth, silk | |
Residence | Amsterdam | |
Religion | Reformed | |
Introduction | Inventaris van de goederen bevonden ten huyse van Abraham Spiers, Beschreven ... ten versoecke van de churateuren ... geordoneert over de boedel van Abraham Spiers, en syn geweest als volcht, den vierde january [1639]. Postscript: Aldus beschreven ten dagen voors. ende ten versoecke van de voors. curateuren by my Jan Warnaerts openb. notaris ... ende sijn opten lesten january voor my notaris gecompareert d'eersame Jan Spiers ende Pieter Pietersz. Bos, soon ende schoonsoon van Abraham Spiers, my notaris bekent, ...tesamen ende elcx een voor al in solidum gestelt by desen borgen als principalen ten behoeve van de voors. crediteuren in den voors. inventaris gemelt, niet en sullen vermindert maer tot allen tyden als de curateuren begeren aen hen werden gebracht ... | |
Commentary | Abraham Spiers was born in Antwerp. He married Anna Sprenckhuysen in 1586 or possibly earlier (Elias, Vroedschap van Amsterdam, p. 731). He was first noted in Amsterdam in 1588 when he bought the house Texel in the Warmoesstraat from the merchant and leather dealer Siewert Meynertsz. of R 21630 of Montias2 (Kam, Waar was dat huis in de Warmoesstraat? 36/5). His son Johannes (of R 23553) was born in Amsterdam about 1599. Abraham Spiers was active as a silk cloth dealer in the Warmoesstraat in his house de Roode Camel (perhaps the old Texel). He was a director of the W.I.C. in 1630 (Johannes van Laten, History of the W.I.C., typescript) He assisted his son Johannes on the occasion of his betrothal to Judith van Buren, 20, who was herself assisted by her father the wine merchant Reyer van Buren, on 31 December 1631 (DTB 438/181). Abraham Spaers (probably a misspelling or an error in transcription for Spiers), living in the Warmoesstraat, paid a tax of 350 f. in 1631 (Kohier, fol. 143vo, p. 33). On 15 May 1636, Hans de Witte and Anna Spiers, man and wife, declared that the capital sum of 5,000 f. that her father Sr. Abraham Spiers had promised for the marriage of her daughter Anne de Wit with Hendrick de Beijer had been accompanied with his urgent request that the sum promised should be deducted from the inheritance which she, Anna Spiers, had received from her mother Anna Sprenckhuysen (NA 843, fol. 1127, Not. Hogeboom). Abraham Spiers must have died between 1636 and January 1639, the date of the present inventory. On 25-26 April 1640, Pieter Haen II (cited in R 35 of Montias1), (merchant), Franck van der Does (of R 29672 of Montias2), and Cornelis Leschevin were cited as curators of the estate of Abraham Spiers. His son Johannes was cited as an heir. There was apparently a dispute about the estate (25-26 April, NA 421, fol. 358, Notary Jacob Jacobsz.) Pieter Pietersz. Bos (of R 26353) was married to Lobbetje Abrahams Spiers, the daughter of Abraham Spiers. The presence in the inventory of a print of the Synod (of 1618) suggests that Abraham Spiers was Reformed. | |
Notary | Jan Warnaerts | |
# of Items | 72 | |
Montias1 # | 1061 |
Lot | Type | Artist | Title | Subject | Verbatim Entry |
0001 | painting | [ANONYMOUS] | t incomen van Ferrire | MODERN HISTORY |
een schilderye vant incomen van Ferrire met een geschrift verclaringe daeronder
0002 | painting | [ANONYMOUS] | daer de Appel vant hooft wert geschoten | MODERN HISTORY |
een schilderye daer de Appel vant hooft wert geschoten
0003[a] | painting | [ANONYMOUS] | conterfeytsel van Spiers | PORTRAITS -- KNOWN PERSONS |
de conterfeytsels van Spiers ende syn overleden huysvrou
0003[b] | painting | [ANONYMOUS] | conterfeytsel van Spiers overleden huysvrou | PORTRAITS -- KNOWN PERSONS |
de conterfeytsels van Spiers ende syn overleden huysvrou
0004[a] | painting on or carving of alabaster | [ANONYMOUS] | [untitled] | UNKNOWN SUBJECT |
twee albasterde bortgens
0004[b] | painting on or carving of alabaster | [ANONYMOUS] | [untitled] | UNKNOWN SUBJECT |
twee albasterde bortgens
0005[a] | painting | [ANONYMOUS] | conterfeytsel | PORTRAITS -- UNKNOWN PERSONS |
vyff cleyne conterfeytsels
0005[b] | painting | [ANONYMOUS] | conterfeytsel | PORTRAITS -- UNKNOWN PERSONS |
vyff cleyne conterfeytsels
0005[c] | painting | [ANONYMOUS] | conterfeytsel | PORTRAITS -- UNKNOWN PERSONS |
vyff cleyne conterfeytsels
0005[d] | painting | [ANONYMOUS] | conterfeytsel | PORTRAITS -- UNKNOWN PERSONS |
vyff cleyne conterfeytsels
0005[e] | painting | [ANONYMOUS] | conterfeytsel | PORTRAITS -- UNKNOWN PERSONS |
vyff cleyne conterfeytsels
0006 | painting | [ANONYMOUS] | bloemmant | STILL LIFE |
een cleyn schilderytgen bloemmant
0007 | painting | [ANONYMOUS] | [untitled] | UNKNOWN SUBJECT |
een schilderye ovael
0008 | map | [ANONYMOUS] | West Indien | MAP, GLOBE, ATLAS |
een kaert van de West Indien
0009 | painting | MOMPER, JOOS DE | [untitled] | UNKNOWN SUBJECT |
een schildery van Momper
0010 | painting | [ANONYMOUS] | roverye | GENRE |
een schildery roverye
0011 | [ANONYMOUS] | t synode nationael | MODERN HISTORY |
een prent vant synode nationael
0012 | painting | [ANONYMOUS] | koeyen | ANIMALS |
een schilderye van koeyen
0013 | painting | [ANONYMOUS] | kooper deling | GENRE |
een schilderye kooper deling
0014 | painting | MOMPER, JOOS DE | [untitled] | UNKNOWN SUBJECT |
een schildery van Momper
0015[a] | painting | [ANONYMOUS] | [untitled] | UNKNOWN SUBJECT |
noch vyff cleynder schilderijtgens
0015[b] | painting | [ANONYMOUS] | [untitled] | UNKNOWN SUBJECT |
noch vyff cleynder schilderijtgens
0015[c] | painting | [ANONYMOUS] | [untitled] | UNKNOWN SUBJECT |
noch vyff cleynder schilderijtgens
0015[d] | painting | [ANONYMOUS] | [untitled] | UNKNOWN SUBJECT |
noch vyff cleynder schilderijtgens
0015[e] | painting | [ANONYMOUS] | [untitled] | UNKNOWN SUBJECT |
noch vyff cleynder schilderijtgens