The Montias Database of 17th Century Dutch Art Inventories


Jans, Machtelt

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Inventory #720
ArchiveGemeentearchief Amsterdam
Call NumberWK 5073/947
TypeOrphan Chamber
Family NameJans
Owner NameJans, Machtelt
ResidenceOp de Achterburchwal over de Hoyberch in Amsterdam.
IntroductionOpten 28en april 1617 zyn vercoft de goederen nagelaten by Machtelt Jans. Postscript: By quitancie van Cornelis Felt gebleken betaelt te syn.
CommentaryMachtelt Jans has not been identified. She was presumably the mother of the children of whom Cornelis Felt had been appointed guardian. Cornelis Felt was a merchant who freighted one ship between 1590 and 1602 (IJzerman, Economisch Historisch Jaarboek, 17 (1931), p. 269). In 1621, he was appointed by the Orphan Chamber guardian over the children of the late Jan Cuyper (of R 29736 of Montias2). Cornelis Feldt was a signatory to the Remonstrant petition of 1628.
NotaryG. Jacobs
Total Value224 |d 12 st. 8 pen.
Art Value21 |d 13 st.
# of Items5
Montias1 #621
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Lot Type Artist Title Subject Verbatim Entry
0001 [ANONYMOUS] 1 schilderyts bortge (1 stoel 1 cleermander) f -:16:--
0002 [ANONYMOUS] 1 schilderyts bortge van Olofernus f 1:15:--
0003 [ANONYMOUS] 1 tafereel synde van David f 9:10:--
0004 [ANONYMOUS] 1 groote schildery f 7:15:--
0005 [ANONYMOUS] 1 caert f 1:17:--
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