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Inventory #734
ArchiveGemeentearchief Amsterdam
Call NumberWK 5073/957
TypeOrphan Chamber
Family Name[anonymous]
Owner Name[anonymous]
Owner Notesgoods sold at request of Grietge Thymons, widow of Floris Willemsz.
Marriage Date1625/03/19
Type of CeremonyK
OccupationServices |a Water transportation
ResidenceOp de Brestraet by de Nieuwe Waech
IntroductionOp 15 martij 1625 zyn ten versoecke van Grietge Thymons weduwe van Floris Willemsz. vercoft dese naervolgende goederen.
CommentaryOn 19 March 1616, Floris Willemsz., widower of Liesbet Danckerts, was betrothed to Grietge Thiemons, widow of Jacob Slager (3 years), living on the Zeedijck (DTB 420/112). Floris Willemsz. was a schipper, living in the Vrouwensteech. The goods sold probably belonged to Floris Willemsz., but the introduction does not make this clear.
Total Value310 |d 3 st.
Art Value26 |d 10 st.
# of Items17
Montias1 #636
Lot Type Artist Title Subject Verbatim Entry
0001[a] [ANONYMOUS] 10 ronde bortgens f -:13:--
0001[b] [ANONYMOUS] 10 ronde bortgens f -:13:--
0001[c] [ANONYMOUS] 10 ronde bortgens f -:13:--
0001[d] [ANONYMOUS] 10 ronde bortgens f -:13:--
0001[e] [ANONYMOUS] 10 ronde bortgens f -:13:--
0001[f] [ANONYMOUS] 10 ronde bortgens f -:13:--
0001[g] [ANONYMOUS] 10 ronde bortgens f -:13:--
0001[h] [ANONYMOUS] 10 ronde bortgens f -:13:--
0001[i] [ANONYMOUS] 10 ronde bortgens f -:13:--
0001[j] [ANONYMOUS] 10 ronde bortgens f -:13:--
0002[a] [ANONYMOUS] 2 caartgens f -:14:--
0002[b] [ANONYMOUS] 2 caartgens f -:14:--
0003 [ANONYMOUS] 1 groote kaart f 1:--:--
0004 [ANONYMOUS] 1 schilderijtge van gebercht f 2: 5:--
0005 [ANONYMOUS] 1 schilderij van Andromeda f 2: 8:--
0006 [ANONYMOUS] 1 schilderij van't avontmael f 6: 5:--
0007 [ANONYMOUS] 1 schilderij Judith f 13: 5:--